Bad days

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Bad days, so many bad days.

It's been months since you've seen him, you haven't called him Harry, just tank.

You were upset most days, you visited riot often,
You and him talked about what happened a lot.

After you found tank at his place, he decided to leave you, he left. You didn't know where he was anymore. You drove by his house often, maybe a little too often. His house looked awful, like it was abandoned. You hoped each time as you drove by, he'd be out there, maybe unloading the car, or cleaning the yard up. But he never was.

It wasn't just wanting him, you needed him. The nights when you two were together were the best, you dreamed of the future, and you still do.

What if we go married?

What if we had kids?

Would he still love me if I was a worm?

That was something he would have laughed at. You yearned for him, but he wasn't there.
Riot suggested that you find other people, or just move one. The idea of that was sickening, it felt.... wrong.


It's been almost a year since you last saw tank, his house got cleared and new people lived in it, a family. His belongings were thrown out, some of it sold, some donated.

The only things you had left of him were stuff you got him, some of his clothes he left at your house, and the memory's.


It's been 3 years since you saw tank, he wasn't on your mind as often as he used to be, you took riots advise and moved on.

You met a guy when you went out one day, he was sweet, and he took care of you.


It's been 5 years since you saw him, you couldn't remember what his face looked like sometimes, but you could remember the way he made you feel.

You got married to your boyfriend and had a 8 month old, the two of you bought a house and doing great.

You had two cats, one named Azul, the other named spoons.

You were happy, you had a family, friends, and you didn't need tank anymore.



If I ever write a new story, I'll let y'all know.

If you ever wanna talk to me you can DM using my Instagram.


Love y'all ♥️

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