Chapter 6: The Desert

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'' thinking
() author notes
Blah random voice change
[] reading
** setting/facial/emotional change
*The former location of Wan-Chi Tong's library*
*1st pov*

Despair, hopelessness, pain. These were all emotions clear on Aang's face as he came to realize Appa was taken from him and I felt bad, and I was sure Toph felt the same way. She wanted to help but she had to hold up the library and I got knocked out because I was careless and didn't watch my surroundings. The sand was blown into our faces as we had to assess our situation, we were now stranded in the middle of the desert with a little water and hardly any food. We would need to find some way to get back to civilization quickly if we wanted to survive, from there, I have no idea. I was broken out of my thoughts by Aang as he was furious at Toph and I.

Aang: *angry* How could you let them take Appa, why didn't either of you stop them?!

Toph: I couldn't! The library was sinking and you guys were inside!

Aang: You could have come and got us! And you! *points at me* Why didn't you do anything!?

(Y): Aang, Toph and I both were doing separate things, while she was holding up the library, I was trying to protect Appa.

Aang: And it shows on the account that Appa is still here, no wait HE ISN'T!!!!

(Y): Aang I protected him as best I could, but the sandbenders shot me with some kind of dart and I blacked out!

Aang: You both probably wanted Appa gone and just watched as the Sandbenders took him! You both wanted him gone!

Katara: Aang that's enough. You know they did all they could. Toph saved our lives and (Y/N) got knocked out.

Sokka: Well who's going to save our lives now? We'll never make it out of here.

Aang: That's all any of you care about, yourselves. You don't care whether Appa is okay or not.

Katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting, now.

Katara: We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting, now

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Aang: I'm going after Appa.

Aang then took off with his glider as he left us still at the crater from when the library sank.

(Y): Great, now we've lost two people in our group, now what do we do?

Katara: We better start walking.

(Y): And go where? If we go back the way we came it'll take us days from what it took Appa a few hours to fly.

Katara: We're going to Ba Sing Se.

(Y): Why?

Sokka: While we were in the library we found out that the darkest day in the fire nation was during a solar eclipse in which firebenders lost their ability to bend fire. We used a star map to find the next solar eclipse and we need to take that information to the Earth King.

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