Chapter One

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    She could feel it. All the way from where she was. Atlas wasn't on his Earth, but he was the only one who could call her. So here she was, cruising down the street in one of her expensive sports cars, towards Avengers Tower.
    She loved this car. An Audi R8 in a purple shade so light, it was white if you didn't look hard enough. Good thing she knew how to drive it too, or else a lot of people would be dead. It's not like she wasn't alive long enough to see them made.
    Speeding quickly around many other vehicles, she stopped her car under the front awning, parked it, and walked into the lobby. The Avengers' personal elevator was right there for anyone to see and the smirk on her face was clear as day. Walking up to it, she put her finger on the scanner, and the doors opened. A light, Welcome. was heard, and her smirk widened.
    When the doors opened again, she was in the Avengers common room, and now it was a smile instead of a smirk residing on her face.
    Clint Barton was sitting on a couch, elbows on his knees as he studied the two people in front of him. Both with troubled pasts, and equally dark hair.
    Bucky Barnes and Loki Odinson were sitting on a couch across from him, dark and brooding. Apparently Clint needed to talk to them about something, but he had been rambling so much they tuned out. "I think I know someone who can help you." This was what had officially intrigued them. Bucky still hadn't figured out how to get rid of Hydra's triggers, and Loki had someone in his mind so deep he couldn't even say what he wanted to.
    The reverberating of loud music was what drew their attention away from the archer. Yet, the agent's face somewhat surprised them. Excitement was written on it, but then replaced with hesitance. "She's here." They were all standing up and walking into the elevator before they could fully comprehend the situation.
    "Um, before we go in there, I'd maybe cloak you and Barnes. She's an interesting type of person." Neither Bucky nor Loki knew what he was talking about, but the Odinson did as told.
    It appeared as if only Clint had walked in, but it was really all three men. Unfortunately, Atlas wan't paying attention. She was mixing cookie dough, something that was so wrong with the music playing through the speakers. Feel It was playing very loudly throughout the floor. Clint knew she loved what she called 'sex music' and Jacques seemed to be her favorite R&B artist.
    She was mixing the chocolate chips into the mix, but her hips had started moving with it. The archer began shaking his head. If she saw him, she'd make him dance with her. The cloaked men were surprised to say the least. Atlas was dancing quite promiscuously, to them anyway, but she didn't even care. Turning around, she noticed Clint standing there and a mischievous smirk overcame her face. Something that had Loki smirking back, even if she couldn't see it.
    Holding her hand out, Clint was walking across the floor towards her and grabbing it. Smirking at her, he spun her so her back was against his chest and they were dancing promiscuously together. Laughing loudly, she continued dancing with him, something that had Loki and Bucky's gut twisting with jealousy. She giggled once more before the song ended. And she began walking to the kitchen counter.
    "I'm sorry I'm late, Mr. Barton." He rolled his eyes, thinking they were over this by now.
    "It's alright, Atty. You know, for a minute there, I thought you weren't gonna show. I was worried." Her smirk softened, and her real self was beginning to show.
    "I am sorry, Hawk. I would've come sooner, promise." She was really gentle for someone so powerful. Slipping the cookies into the oven, she hopped onto the counter, Clint coming to stand between her legs. To anyone else, they would've looked like a couple, but everyone in the room knew that was wrong.
    "What did you call me for anyway? You don't look as if you're in need of help, and you haven't spoken a word of it to me as of yet. Clint, you only call me if it's something you can't fix. What's up?" She sounded like a modern person, but the Barton male knew that was wrong.
    "You're gonna be so mad at me. Just know in advance I'm sorry for not telling you." He had the decency to look sheepish as he spoke to her. He knew she was going to be angry with him, but he didn't really know how to tell her. It would probably be like Oh, hey Atlas. It's good to see you. By the way, I think I know your mates. But he really wasn't sure.
    "Now you're worrying me. I don't like not knowing things Mr. Barton. You better tell me before I make you." She said it with such a sweet smile on her face, he knew she was getting mad. With a slow nod, he spoke to the other men present in the room.
    "You can uncloak yourself now." When both dark haired males became visible, she knew what it was. You see, Atlas had been feeling something when Clint first entered the room, but she just couldn't place it. Now that she was looking at them, she could feel it. Both a soulmate bonding and heavy mind control. The awed woah coming out of her mouth couldn't be stopped.
    Gently pushing Clint away, she slid off the counter. Taking steps towards the dark haired men, she lifted her hand and a lavender mist coated her fingers. Twitching them a little, she had to take a step back and breathe deeply. Letting her powers drop, she faced the archer. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? All of this could have been fixed. The mind control could've been vaporized, and the triggers would be long gone. Yet here we are, and they're still suffering from it."
    He got the reaction he was prepared for, but was sorry anyway. The anger in her voice only made him more apologetic. "I already said I'm sorry, Atty. There's not much more I can do." She let out a deep sigh before facing the men again.
    "If I'm going to get rid of these, you're going to have to trust me." Both men were confused, but Bucky was the first one to speak up about it.
    "Why? How are you even going to take care of this?" His voice wasn't angry, defensive if anything. She smiled softly, and took another step back.
    Letting out another sigh, she began to explain. "If I'm going to get rid of your triggers, Sergeant, I'm-" She cut herself of, needing to take another deep breath before continuing.
    "I'm going to have to access your mind. Meaning all of your memories." She could see his shock and continued again. "In order to unwind them completely, I'll have to see the memory attached to it. Meaning...all of your life." With a relenting sigh and gentle nod, he took a step back, sitting at one of the kitchen counter's barstools. Her shoulders dropped in something like defeat.
    Looking to Loki, she explained his conditions. "It'll be the same with you, your highness. You'll feel a pressure while he's being expelled, or I can do it in the form of a nosebleed. If you're comfortable with that, of course." His shock was displayed on his face, and when she recognized it, she immediately took a step back.
    She was about three feet away now, but he reached out to bring her closer. Apparently he'd never been asked if he was okay with something, and Atlas had now made it a personal mission of hers to make sure he was comfortable with everything around him.
    Stepping out of his embrace, she walked further away from both of them. Her heels tapping along the way. "If I'm going to do this you'll have to trust me." Now it was Clint's turn to speak up.
    "How are they supposed to trust you if they don't even know your name, Atty?" She rolled her eyes but relented anyway.
    "I suppose you're right. My name is Atlas." Loki's face lit up with recognition at the name, and Bucky was slightly confused.
    "Like the Original God?" Sergeant Barnes' voice was deep and soothing to Atlas, but she'd never tell him that. Well, maybe she would.
    "Not like the Original God. I am the Original God." Now everyone was slightly confused.

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