Entry Form

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Hey guys! This is our second contest for The Amore Awards and we will be accepting 5 stories per genre.

Please make sure all entries are have a romance plot!

**One person can submit 2 books (each in a different genre)**

Please be sure to enter your entry form in an inline comment of your GENRE. *Be advised: once a genre or category is full, we will make an Accepted page with your assigned judge. Make sure you follow your judge!*

# of Chapters:
# of Reads:
5 Tags:


**Please DO NOT apply for entry in a genre marked FULL. We don't want to overload our judges! Thank you**

Chick Lit - (5/5) FULL

Fantasy - (6/5) FULL

Historical Fiction - (2/5) 3 Spots Open

New Adult Romance - (5/5) FULL

Short Story - (6/5) FULL

Teen Fiction - (5/5) FULL

Thriller Romance - (5/5) FULL

Paranormal - (6/5) FULL

Once all genres are full, we will announce the timeline for judging.

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