Louis' leaving tomorrow morning, so we've been making the most of every moment we had together. We'd spent almost every morning kissing in the kitchen like it's a dance floor, we'd cuddle on the couch watching any and every movie we owned. We went for walks through the woods, finding new paths everyday and exploring them. It wouldn't have mattered if we got lost, as long as I'm with him, I'd be okay.

We'd end our day staying up too late talking about things we wouldn't say to anyone else. I wanted to make today special, though, as it's his last day with me for a while.

I woke up extra early to pack a good meal in a bag with a table cloth and some silverware. I put the bag on the yellow chair and excitedly ran back to hold him in bed, being careful not to wake him.

His soft features somehow looked even more perfect than usual in the silver glow of the early morning. A small smile lay beautifully across his equally beautiful face, his hair messy from the nights rest. Overwhelming love filled every hole and scratch I had and I had to look away.

I placed a gentle kiss on his nose, trying not to wake him. His head moved upwards to meet my lips, startling me. I recovered quickly and kissed him sweetly until he was completely awake.

"Good morning love," he said sleepily, his adorable morning voice bringing a smile to my face. "Good morning pumpkin," I replied, tightening my arms around him. We let out a contented sight at the same time, making us share a chuckle.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"About 8:30," I answered.

"We should get up," he suggested, neither of us moved. His breathing deepened as he fell peacefully back to sleep. I smiled at his relaxation and closed my eyes for a bit too.


Before I knew it Louis was shaking me awake. "Get up darling, it's nearly noon." I jolted awake. We were supposed to start walking by 11:30.

I gave him a quick kiss before jumping up and grabbing outfits for the both of us. For him, a grew knit sweater that was fairly warm and his cute black ripped jeans that made his form look incredible. I threw on my maroon sweatshirt and similar jeans to Lou's.

"Why are we getting all dressed up?" Lou asked, confused but excited. "It's a surprise darling," I said gleefully. He looked at me warily but put on the clothes nonetheless.

I took his hand in mine and grabbed the bag from the chair. We pulled on our shoes and started on our walk.

We headed left of our dirt driveway, towards the place we first hiked to when I moved in this house. We had a picnic like we were about to and stayed out through the day, clinging to each other in fear as we walked back home in the dark. We laughed at how childishly afraid we'd gotten and spent the first perfect night together in my new home.

We'd gotten halfway there before he realized where we were going, the realization making him smile ear to ear. "Haz are we going where I think we are?" He asked excitedly. I confirmed and he squeezed my hand and skipped a little.

"Man, that day was great. I can't believe how scared you were!" He laughed. "Hey, you were scared too," I reminded.

"No, not me. I'm too hard for that," he said confidently, using his big strong man voice. "Whatever man, you were holding my hand so hard I thought it would fall off," I teased.

"I was only doing that to let you know you would be alright," he said, apparently remembering a different day than me. "Whatever you want to believe pumpkin," I chuckled, rounding the corner to see our destination.

There was a small clearing amidst the tall pines, a large flat rock towards the edge but still in the middle. I released his hand to set out the tablecloth and bring out the food. We sat on the log we'd moved beside the long side of the rock on our first date there and I realized I didn't bring plates.

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