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Hayes hadn't returned after Dean ended the call, so I could only assume he had resumed his slumber. Shaken, I kept my light on, but laid back against my pillows, staring at the opposing wall, fighting unconsciousness. Cayton's eyes seemed to dance across my eyes, the image of his face on the silver blade burned into my mind. I couldn't find the supporting thought of my brothers' deaths to be real, and in front of me.

Never in my nineteen years, had a nightmare so gruesome, so terrifying, involved Sam or Dean dying. I had heard, some time ago, that the brain is the source of dreams , but why, why would my own thoughts form together to make me witness what I feared most? Losing what was left.

I shuddered, and blinked quickly, trying to avoid Cayton's frightful eyes.

I couldn't fathom a world without Sam and Dean, much less with only one of them.


Hayes didn't disturb my sleep, and neither did any more reaper dreams. Taken, I guess I had fallen asleep, giving into my sheer will for slumber. I may be a huntress, but no one can go forever without rest.

It was ten o' clock on a Sunday morning, and all was silent. Even with my trained ears, I didn't hear Hayes banging around in the kitchen, or watching the telly. He was probably still in his room. I pulled whatever sheets had stayed on the bed back off of my body, trying to keep my mind off the nightmare, and, stepped softly into the main hall. My feet hit the stairs gently as I crept down the hall. It was about another thirty six hours before Sam and Dean got here, so that left me the same thirty six hours to find and kill whatever was stalking Sam, Dean, Hayes and I. I frowned when I stepped into the kitchen.

The light on the stove was on, something I had never done, or seen Hayes turn on. My senses whispered that I should be looking around, for anything else out of place, but I wouldn't function well until I had a cup of coffee.

I wonder what Cayton- the hell? Why am I thinking about him? I shook my head, and moved over to the coffee machine that sat on the counter opposite to where I stood.

I stood quietly, watching the darkened liquid drip down into the pot, the perspiration from the heat raining down from the glass side. The coffee filled up to the two cup line, and I poured half of it into a mug. Holding the brewed joe to my lips, I felt by body start to awaken, and all dreary thoughts were pushed back from my mind. My eyes wandered over the cook room, stopping, and watching, as Hayes stumbled through the doorway, and into the area.

"Coffee?" He mumbled, and reached for my cup.

"Oh you're hilarious, Mano," I pulled my mug away from him, and showed him the coffee pot. Hayes pulled a mug from the cabinet, and honestly, he looked like shit.

"You alright, Hayes?" I asked him, my brow creasing.

"I should be asking you that, Ashtyn. What happened this morning?" He responded, dodging my question. The tiredness was retreating from his eyes as he studied me, watching for a reaction.

My feet moved under me, shuffling in place for a position change.

"Just a nightmare. Don't worry about it," I told the hunter, and took a drink from my cup. Hayes gave me a doubtful look, but didn't question any further.

"So, after I left you, I went to the study and,-" he started, but I cut in.

"We have a study?" I queried. Hayes rolled his eyes, and took a sip of his coffee.

"You're a Winchester aren't you? You're supposed to know this stuff," Hayes raised an eyebrow.

"So I forgot a part of the house. Sue me," I shrugged, and motioned him to continue with his story.

"As I was saying," Hayes gave me a short look, "I went to the study to research the history of the area, and to why there would be a howl like that. Well, apparently," Hayes took a deep breath, "There's more to hunt than just werewolves."

I choked on the coffee I was swallowing, and starting coughing.

"Excuse me?" I managed, and tried to control my breathing.

"I was reading, uh, notes, and old articles, and Ashtyn, there is something out there. And it's just above a werewolf, but just below an actual wolf," Hayes said, watching for a reaction. I was tempted to slap the boy, but curiosity, and concern for his mental stability held me back.

"Hayes, are you feeling okay?" My tone took on seriousness.

"I'm fine! There's something within a werewolf, half, whatever you want to call them, that gives them the ability to change back and forth, giving them their status as a werewolf. But, if they stay in their wolvern forms for long periods of times, say months on end, their gene that allows them to shift, well, it changes," Hayes continued, giving me glances while he spoke. I swallowed down my well known knowledge, and allowed Hayes to finish.

My stubborn side refused to believe what was coming out of Hayes' mouth, but the curious side of me wanted to know what Hayes had discovered.

"I'm not sure exactly what they're called, but they are alike to wolves than Cayton or Max are in their changed forms, but not as wild as a feral wolf. They pretty much allow their supernatural side to control them," Hayes ended, and scratched the back of his neck. I gave him a stern look, and exhaled a breath.

"Are you screwing me over?" I demanded, seizing up on him. Hayes shook his head.

"Do you really think this is something to mess around about, Ashtyn? I'm not kidding. This is the only explanation to a howl so unreal like that one was," Hayes bit back, his eyes squinted.

I bit my tongue, and looked out the window, holding my breath. The possibility of what Hayes was saying was true, but why wouldn't Sam or Dean know what it was? After all, they heard the same howl we did.

"Alright Hayes. I believe you, but if you're just messing around, I will kick your ass," I told the boy, and walked over to the fridge.

If Hayes had really, and authentically, discovered a new species of werewolf, then why hasn't the topic ever come up before in other situations?

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