Thirty Seven-

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I ended up staying in hospital for another week.

Doctor Todd, the assigned doctor, told me that I was lucky. Had I been any closer to the attacker, because apparently I was stabbed multiple times, my stomach organ and kidney could've been majorly injured. I was lucky to of been in the stance I was when the paw swiped at me, because, quite possibly, I could've died.

"Ashtyn, how are you?" Dean asked, as he sat carefully on the edge of the bed.

"I'm a Winchester, Dean. I'm fine," I told him, and sat up gently to prove to him I really was healing.

"Ash," Dean warned and put his hand on my shoulder to lay back down.

"Dean, the only thing that hurts is my rib. I can feel it mending," I shuddered at the feeling of my shattered done so close to my lungs.

"I know. It hurts like hell, doesn't it. I remember one time when Sam broke his hand. Honestly, it was an accident, but he was the one who didn't move his hand fast enough," Dean continued to talk about Sam's broken hand, and what had happened to it, but I zoned off.

At night, I couldn't sleep, and when I did, I had nightmares. The thing would chase me through the woods, except this time, I had no gun, no flashlight, no brothers or friends, or mate to save me. It was like running through a shadow, with the constant feeling of being persued kicked through my blood stream. It would hurt to breath, my broken rib hurting in my sleep. There would be times when Cayton would be in the far off distance, and everytime I tried to run to him, he only seemed to get farther out of reach. The dreams scared me so much, often I would just call for coffee, and sit up into the night, watching movies and TV shows that apparently kids my age watch.

"Ashtyn?" Dean swept a hand over my face.

"Uh, sorry, what?" I asked, pushing his hand away.

"I said I love you, and Cayton's going to be here in a couple minutes," Dean repeated, and I frowned.

"I love you too, but since when can you and Cayton stand each other?" I asked him, reflecting back to when Dean had touched Cayton's shoulder and neither boy had told each other off.

"Well, let's say I saved him from death by default," Dean muttered, an unknown emotion passing over his face.

Dean had saved Cayton. Is that why both boys could now put up with each other?

"Hey," A new voice called from the doorway, and Dean and I glanced over at Cayton.

"Well, I'll see you later, Ashy. Sam and the others are going to come back in a little bit," Dean said, and kissed my forehead again before walking past Cayton.

Cayton moved towards me, and pulled out a chair to sit bedside.

Way to make me feel even more helpless.

Cayton's fingers found their way to my face, and he brushed over my cheek, his thumb touching my lip.

I found it a bit ironic how, about a month ago, I hated Cayton, I didn't want anything to do with him, but time changes people. I loved Cayton, and I always will, and inside, I already knew that, but never admitted it to myself.

Cayton reached forward and his lips brushed over my forehead, more gentle than Dean's or Sam's. Cayton always had a way to stand away from my brothers, and my two friends. He was special, in his own, wolfy way.

Cayton's lips pressed down against mine, and I instantly kissed him back, giving him the response I always did.

After a few seconds, he pulled away, and smiled kindly. He didn't seem at all how he was when I first met him. Now, he seemed warm spirited, and caring. Only a month ago, did he completly ignore me, only to a week later take an intrest in me, then only to learn he had been matched with a hunter.

He took my real identity better than I expected, and for that I was thankful, but I had the sinking suspision that hunting would no longer be a major part of my life. Hell, it's been eight days, and it still hurts to take deep breaths.

Cayton's hand found mine, and we sat in silence just staring at each other. His dark brown hair was perfect, just as it always was, not a strand out of place from his style. His blue eyes dominating, but protective at the same time as he watched me. His face was beautful, quite attractive, and I was grateful that if I had to be mated with a werewolf, it was Cayton. Cayton had come around just as much as Sam and Dean, always asking how I was doing, and how I was sleeping.

I wondered if Cayton knew I wasn't sleeping. I'm sure I had dark skin under my eyes, but then again, I hadn't really moved much in the past eight days.

"I love you," Cayton whispered quietly, breaking the calm atmosphere.

Cayton hasn't said he loves me since when he hugged me, and that God damn rouge stole my book. I didn't answer Cayton for a second, millions of thoughts racing through my head, fighting to be spoken.

I could see worry lines start to crease in his forehead, and I bit my lip. Besides knowing he spray painted, was the Alpha of White Moon pack, and that his last name was Hood, I didn't really know much about him. I could see Cayton start to become scared, that I wouldn't answer.

"Can you tell me about yourself?" I asked him, breifly remembering the last time her tried to ask me about myself, and I told him off.

"Oh, um. I like to spray paint art when I'm by myself I guess, and my favorite color is green, and um, I like McDonalds," Cayton started, not really knowing what to say. I smiled, and bit down a laugh.

"I mean, growing up. What did you do while you were growing up?" I asked him, slightly chuckling. The atmosphere that was around us was nervous, not really sure what to do.

"Oh, well. Um, there was this one time when Max and I were playing football, in I don't know, second grade, and Max kicked the ball too high, and it went into the woods behind the pack house. When we finally found it, the ball was in a tree, too high for one of us to just jump and get it. So at first, Max and I threw rocks at it, and ended up getting hit by our own shots," Cayton chuckled, thinking of the memory. "Then Max had the bright idea to climb the tree, so he got on my shoulders, and grabbed onto one of the branches. Well, in the end of it all, he got the ball, but a broken arm as well when he fell on top of me. It was really funny, because as I was carrying him home, he kept slapping me because I left the ball in the woods. I'm pretty sure it's still out there too," Cayton frowned, and I laughed at his memory.

"What about you, Miss Winchester?" My name rolled off of Cayton's tongue, asking for a story from my backround. I swallowed nervously. I couldn't really remember anything lke Cayton could, going out with friends or playing games. Sam, Dean, and I mostly kept to ourselves, only finding entertainment with each other. Then, a small memory came to mind, and I smiled softly.

"There was this one time, when I was seven, Sam, Dean, and I were all sitting around the Christmas tree. It was the evening of the twenty fourth, and the three of us planned to stay up and try to see Santa, well actually, I just dragged my brothers out there because Sam was going to stay up anyways, and Dean wanted to prove to me that Santa was Mom and Dad. So it was about one in the morning, and my brothers and I were sitting behind the couch, Sam and I being the only ones awake. Then, because it was dark, a figure stepped into the living room. And you know how Santa is fat, well this one was skinny, really skinny. So Sam woke Dean up, and we sat watching it for a couple seconds, before Sam yelled 'attack' and we all jumped off of the couch to tackle the person. Turns out, Sam and Dean, and I had tackled our dad, sucessfully knocking him out. That morning, when our mom came down to the living room, she started laughing, and shaking her head, saying that she told our dad so. Dean never let Sam and I forget that night," I smiled widely to myself, remembering my mother's shocked face when she saw Dad's body spread out on the rug. Dad wasn't too happy when he woke up, but he made sure to make sure we were in our rooms every year after that.

Cayton was laughing bent over, and holding his stomach, while we laughed. His lips pulled back against his teeth, showing off his sharp canines. I chuckled at my mate, his smile brighting the room.

"Cayton?" I asked his name quietly, and he looked up, his smile still on his face.

"I love you," I told him, as his smile grew wider, and he kissed me again.

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