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   My body wakened at the sound of the door bolt unlocking. I laid motionless on the couch, my fingers beginning to clutch the knife that lay across my toned stomach.

I had traveled long miles the night before, ending up blowing through three blasted states. Only one people knew of my location; Alex, my somewhat boss. Sam and Dean, my two jackass brothers, were currently out in California, hunting rouges that were threatening the Hollywood community, while Alex was stationed in New York, checking up on us, and watching for trouble and perimeter control.

I had stumbled into a home Sam and Dean used to stay in while they had hunted in the area, dead locking the doors, and taking precautions before I passed out on the couch. Now, those advanced locks were being unbolted, and someone was stepping into my brothers' home. I could tell it wasn't a half, but I definitely didn't know if the intruder was masking their scent, or a idiotic mortal.

Who could unlock level seven huntmen's locks?

My instincts whispered in my head for me to move, and gain the upper hand, but curiosity made me stay were I was. My eyed remained closed, and my body used it's other senses to map out the room. The flood boards creaked five feet to my left, and my head slowly lulled into that direction. Silently, I prayed that it was just a clever human, or as I called them, zeros, and not just a stray- masked, half.

"Ma'am? Are you Ashtyn Winchester?"

My eyes snapped open, and I shot off of the couch, slamming my body into the strangers, knocking the body into the far wall. My left arm was held at the man's throat, and my right hand clutched my knife, suspended in air, ready to strike.

"Who the hell are you?" I hissed, a low and menacing tone fronting. The man, who looked of my age, frowned at my weapon, and cocked his head.

"Alex didn't tell you? I'm Hayes Mano, your new partner," He managed through my hold. I stared back at him, and rolled my eyes.

"Alex would tell me if she's sending out a person to team up with me," I snapped, and backed away from him. Hayes opened his mouth to speak, but the shrill sound of a phone notification cut him off. Alex's name displayed across the screen, and I picked my mobile off the coffee table and answered the call.

"Ha, uh Ashtyn you're going to hate me for this, but I sent Hayes Mano after you. He should be there any moment. Don't hurt him, he's going to be your new partner for this assignment," Alex rushed her update, and paused so I could say something.

"Assignment? Alex there's nothing out here. Sam and Dean already came through here," I told the New Yorker, ignoring her confirmed status of Hayes' company.

"Speaking of those two morons, they're three hundred miles south west of you. As to their recent hunt in your location, there are more stray wolves you need to kill. Some followed you up from Tennessee when you killed those rouges last night, and others are moving away from Sam and Dean," Alex told me, and fell quiet.

I bit my lip and looked over at my black haired partner. "And what about Hayes? I'm not babysitting another hunter," I asked Alex, and she sighed.

"Girl, I looked hard for a partner for you! You're going to keep him whether you like it or not. Also, Cade and I think the rouges you're going to kill are going to stronger than the others. And you won't have to babysit Hayes. He's a good hunter, and I think you'll take a liking to his skill," Alex told me, acknowledging my loathing for partners.

"Fine, Fine. He can stay, but where are the rouges?" I asked my long term friend.

"High school. Along with the White Moon pack, Ashtyn. You're going to have to be real careful with this one. The White Moon pack doesn't know you're in the area, and I doubt they'll take a friendship bracelet if they find out you're a Winchester," Alex warned, reminding me of Dean's idiotic move two years ago. He had killed the pack's Alpha, thinking it was rouge. I had never heard of the boys' Impala moving so fast when they discovered it was the leader of one of the most dangerous packs in the country.

"Alright, now what about high school?" I questioned. I had been enrolled into schools before to work other cases, but others I didn't, and stayed hidden in the woods.
"Just show up, with Hayes, and go to the office like any other child. Just keep weapons on you at all times, and only respond to the names you are given," Alex instructed, and clicked off the line before I could say anything.

If there was one thing I could take back, it was letting myself be managed. Now, I have to work with a partner, relay on a single person to keep track if not only me, but also my brothers, and follow through with Alex's plans.

"Right, Ashy. Watcha want to do?"

Hayes asked, and jumped onto the couch.

"Don't call me that," I snapped, and put my knife back onto the coffee table. "Don't touch anything. I'm going to go take a shower," I told the teenager, and walked towards the stairs.

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