Part 5

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  • Dedicated to To all the ships that never sailed

Merlin fidgetted nervously in the limo the entire way to the bar. Not sure what to say, but occasionally laughing at jokes. When they got to the bar and got out of the limo, Merlin pulled Arthur aside. "Arthur." He began. "I gotta tell you something. I have never been out drinking. I mean i've had beer before and wine, but never like, heavy drinking."

"Dont worry. Just drink as much as you want. Now come on." Arthur patted Merlin's back as he head to the bar. Merlin walked in a bit more slowly, and what he saw was quite a surprise. The place was packed. People were everywhere. Dancing, drinking, and making out. The whole place smelled of sweat and booze. Merlin fought his way through the mass of bodies to the bar. He ordered a shot and downed it. As he turned around, he could Gwaine fighting his way through to Merlin.

"so you're Merlin?" he shouted over the music.

"ya." Merlin replied as Gwaine ordered two beers.

"Ya. i reconized you when you got in the limo. You help Giaus right?" Gwaine handed a beer to Merlin.

"Ya." Merlin took the beverage. "I only just moved here though."

"Really? Well come on. We gotta get you dancing." Gwaine dragged Merlin onto the floor. Everyone else seemed to appear. Soon, Merlin was once again in the mass of moving bodies. He was been grinded on from every angle. He shrugged and started dancing with the crowd, getting lost in the music.

Arthur on the other hand was rather drunk. He had quite a few beers. After a bit of dancing. All the guys were at the bar. A drunk Leon and Gwiane talked to Merlin.

"Dude you were killing it out there!" Leon said as he swayed slightly.

"ya." Gwaine seconded. "you might have come from a small town, but you know how to dance. And i saw that green-eyed brunette eyeing you up quite a bit." Gwaine nudged Merlin's should, but Merlin just waved it off.

"Not really my type". Merlin shrugged.

After a couple more hours of dancing and drinks. The 7 drunk guys stumbled out of the bar and into a limo waiting for them. Arthur dropped off Elian, Gwaine, Percival, Lancelot, and Leon off first. As the quiet limo drove through sleeping city, Arthur's head fell onto Merlin's lap. Merlin blushed and prayed he wouldn't get a boner.

When the limo stopped outside Giaus's house, Merlin tried to gently get Arthur's head off his lap, but he quickly woke up. "Merlin where ya goin?"

Merlin smiled. "i have to go home Arthur."

"but Meeeeeeeerrrrrlllliiiiiiinnnn..."

"i'll see you Monday Arthur." As Merlin turned to get out of the car, Arthur grabbed his wrist. "Merlin i like you. And i mean like like." Merlin blushed but before he could answer Arthur pulled Merlin into a suprisingly unsloppy kiss considering how drunk Arthur was.

Merlin wanted to pull away, but only kissed Arthur back. Merlin pulled Arthur close, practically sitting in his lap, as Merlin ran his finger through Arthur hair. When Merlin pulled away for breath and looked at Arthur face, he gulped. what the hell was he thinking! Kissing his boss's son.

Merlin untangled himself from Arthur, and bolted from the car up to his room.

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