Part 8

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Merlin and Arthur had found themselves in a slump. 5 days every week, Merlin had to spend 12 hours, in the same area as Arthur. They had moved from the awkward-moments-of-silence stage, into the just-say-hello-oh-my-god-this-over-niceness-is-killing-me stage. both boys thought the other hated him for the kiss, and that the other was straight. Merlin became depressed, moody, and tired, while Arthur had become moody, snappy, and a shut in. It was annoying and aggravating for everyone involved...

It was a couple weeks since the kiss. Giaus was working with Merlin. One of the workers at Pendragon Corp. had gotten terrible sick. "Food Poisoning." Giaus had said. Merlin and Giaus were out in the hall quietly arguring.

"Merlin. i dont see the problem. Mrs. Hudson is ill and she's rather old. i dont want to leave while she's like this."

"but i dont see why i have to stay!"

"because if i need something fast, you have to fetch it."

"while you do, i dont have any extra clothes here."

"you could run home tomorrow and get something. and if you're truely in need, you can always ask Arthur."

Merin tried not to show any emotion. "fine i give up. where am i gonna sleep? Mrs. Hudson is using the other bed."

"well, normally Uther would forbade it, but he is away on buisness, so you can sleep on the couch. take a blanket from the closet." Giaus went back into the room and closed the door. Merlin huffed away, got his blanket, and went to sleep on the couch.

* * *

"Merlin?" a voice that sounded surprised and worried woke Merlin the next morning. Merlin slowly blinked his eyes opened and rubbed at them as he sat up. When his eyes focused, Merlin was wide awake.

"uh, hi Arthur." Merlin tried to sound normal.

"what are you doing here?" Arthur's face showed no emotion.

"i, um, well.. Mrs. Hudson. She spent the night here, so Giaus wanted to. But uh, now that it's morning," Merlin untangled himself from the blanket and stood up. "giaus wanted me to run home and get some supplies to bring." Merlin rushed from the room, and to Giaus's room. As he came in, Giaus looked wory.

"she got worse over night. Merlin, run home, get me these plants." Giaus handed Merlin a list. "and bring supplies for the both of us. We might need to stay here a couple more nights." Merlin looked downtrodden as he left the building and headed home. a couple more nights, stuck with Arthur. i dont think i can handle that.

When merlin got back, Arthur was nowhere to be seen. he gave all the supplies to Giaus. "Um Giaus...." Merlin began before leaving. "I need a shower. Should i take one here or run back home and take one. Would Uther get mad?"

"Just take one here. Uther isn't here and what he doesn't know won't hurt him. now if you'll excuse me." Giaus turned back to the supplies and started mixing herbs. Merlin grabbed his stuff and went upstairs to the use the shower.

When he stepped in the bathroom, he could tell which side was morgana's and which side was Arthur's. The bathrrom had two sinks. One had makeup, a straightener, deoderant, perfume, and hair products, The other had a bar of soap, deoderant, and a razor. As Merlin opened up some cabnets looking for a towel, he almost slammed one shut. It had basic bathroom supplies, but also...


Merlin shuddered and stood up. After he had found a towel, he got in the shower. He quickly risned his hair, then cursed himself for not bringing any shampoo. What if Arthur reconized the smell. Merlin shrugged and used it. He had nothing else to lose. After he was done, Merlin stepped out of the shower and started drying himself off.

Merlin was rubbing his hair with the towel when things went bad.

Merlin was drying his hair when Arthur walked in. He whipped the towel off his head as he heard the door open. Arthur was standing in the door way staring at him. Merlin moved the towel over his crotch but not before he saw Arthur's eyes flash down there. Twice.

"uh... uh... sorry." Arthur stuttered out before he turned and slamed the door shut.

oh my god, what the fuck... Arthur thought as he headed to his room. I just Merlin naked. oh my fucking god. Why is he in the bathroom? Why is he naked? oh my god i saw Merlin naked..... and it was big....

Arthur closed his bedroom door behind him and slid down it. "What the fuck am i gonna do?"

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