Chapter 32

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I twisted around in the net and looked up.


"Oh my Gods, Atlas!"

My Dad was here. I looked around and saw the warriors from my Kingdom! Some of the best warriors were here, all looking over at me and smiling with relief. I saw Mizuko and he gave me a nod and a smile. I looked at Daz, still in the net, watching all the merpeople surrounding us. We were okay. We were safe.

Relief flooded me and I started to cry. I thought that was it, I thought Damari was here.

"Oh Atlas, don't cry I'm here now, you're safe." My Dad soothed, ripping the net and pulling me into his arms.

"I-I thought it was him, Daddy!" I cried.

"It's not, my baby, don't worry."

I breathed deeply and felt my heart rate starting to drop back to a normal level. A mermaid swam over and gave me a phial of something. It was a small glass bottle with a green liquid inside and cork stopper.

"What's this?" I asked.

"A calming potion with some vitamins, take it, it will be good for you." She rubbed my back and helped untangle the last of the net from my tail. Wait...why did they trap us in the first place?!

"Why did you catch me in a net if you knew it was me, Dad?" I scowled.

"Do you know how difficult you have been to find?" Oh no, here comes the lecture. "We've been tracking you for ages, and every time we got close, you'd be gone. I knew you'd bolt as soon as we got close, so trapping you was the only way I could think of to get you back."


"Yes. You are in trouble, running off like that, we didn't know what happened to you." Daddy huffed, looking at me sternly.

I bowed my head and looked over at Daz who was smiling with relief. He lay his head back on the seabed and looked up at the surface. Warriors started to free him but they kept a grip on his upper arm so he couldn't escape. Daddy saw who I was looking at and rose tall and faced him.

"And you!" He pointed his finger at Daz who hung his head. "You took my son from me, you put him in harm's way-"

"No, Daddy! I left, Daz only helped me!" I protested, clinging onto his arm, and stopping him from getting close to Daz.

"Enough from you," he pulled me off his arm and pushed me behind him. He turned back to Daz. "Prince Diego told me you left together, that you want to mate my son."

"That is true Sir," Daz cleared his throat. "I love Atlas and I would do anything to protect him, he's the sweetest, kindest merman I know, and I only want happiness for him."

My Dad studied Daz, folding his arms and looking to Mizuko who was holding onto him. Mizuko raised his eyebrows but nodded slowly. I didn't quite understand the exchange of looks that was going on, so I tugged on my Dad's arm. It made me nervous being the centre of attention with all the mermaids and mermen surrounding us.

Daddy looked down at me. "He saved me, Dad, him and Diego together. Daz has done so much for me, he fought with our kingdom!"

"You hardly know him! He's an islander and as much as I tolerate them, I don't want my son involved with one." Daddy grabbed my arm and pulled me up. He turned to the rest of the warriors who were watching the scene awkwardly. "Back to the Kingdom, keep your eyes open for the Black Pearl tribe."

"No, Dad, will you just wait a minute?!" I wrenched my arm out of his grip and Daddy's eyes glowed with anger. "I love him! I'm not coming back to the kingdom; Damari will only find me there and kill everyone so he can take me!"

Daddy shook his head and reached for me, but I darted out of the way.

"I can't go back with you!"

"Don't be so ridiculous! You're coming home right this instant." Daddy reached for me again and grabbed me. "We're going to protect you; the kingdom and our allies are going to protect you."

Daz tried to swim towards me after seeing me visibly upset but Mizuko pulled him back and growled. Daddy turned to him and didn't look happy.

"Sir, I just wanted to protect Atlas and do what's best for him," Daz said.

"Well you didn't do what's best for him, taking him off all alone in this big ocean, do you have any idea what could have happened? When I told you, you were welcome in the kingdom anytime, I did not mean to make my son fall in love with you." Daddy glared at Daz. "This relationship stops here."

I started crying and was trying to get out of my Dad's hold, but he wouldn't let me go.

"He didn't take me away! I left; he came with me!" I cried.

"That is enough!" He shouted. "I don't want to hear another word from you, young man. We're leaving."

The other warriors nodded and moved into a triangle formation as we began swimming. I was at the front with Daddy and Daz was right behind me, being escorted my Mizuko. I kept turning back to look at him, but my Dad would tell me off. It was going to take a couple of days to get back to the kingdom and we planned to rest along the way. No one was talking and it was rather an awkward swim.

We stopped to catch lunch at a reef and Daddy made me sit with him whilst we ate and wouldn't let me go near Daz. He seemed okay though, he was talking with the warriors and they all seemed to be getting along.

"You don't have to be so worried, darling."

I sighed and looked the other way.

"You know we fought some of his warriors along the way. Pretty easy to dispose of if you ask me." Daddy said.

"You fought with them? Did you see Damari?!" I asked.

"No, not him but some of his tribe, yes. You have nothing to worry about, okay? You are safe. Mum is so worried about you; he hasn't slept properly since you've left."

I felt guilty about everyone worrying so much but I only left to protect them.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yes, they're all fine. I left Merial in charge and she started the clean up after the battle, we've increased border patrols and there's a curfew for everyone in the kingdom."

I nodded and looked over at Daz. He noticed me and smiled and winked. I blushed and Daddy noticed what was going on.

"Turn around," he instructed. "I don't want you two giving each other sex-eyes!"

I went bright red and covered my face. "Dad, we're not."

"Hmm," he looked thoughtful. "I think something has been going on that you haven't told me about. I know you wouldn't run off with a stranger."

I shifted uncomfortably and didn't look him in the eye.

"The kiss at the palace, you getting caught on the Dark Moon's territory, it all makes sense now."

I blushed again and kept my head down. I didn't want to confess what Daz and I had been doing this whole time. I didn't want him to know we had been sneaking around, but by the looks of it, he already knew.

"Now, how far have you gone with that islander?"

I blushed scarlet and looked anywhere but Daddy. Oh, my Gods, this was going to be a long journey home.

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