Chapter One - Three Years Ago

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       Had Maggie known her brother was going to throw a bucket of water on her while she was sleeping, she probably wouldn't have been so angry. Since she hadn't known though, she was beyond pissed. As soon as the water hit her, she spun around in bed and punched someone in the nuts. She heard laughing, especially when the other person hit the ground, but when she opened her eyes, she didn't expect to see someone she had never met before. The person wasn't even holding the bucket, but they had been in her swinging range.

"I knew she was going to do that." Ryan Dunn commented, as he peeked his head into her room.

"Thanks for the heads up." The other guy groaned, as he held himself for a moment.

"Maggie, this is Tim Glomb. Glomb, this is my baby sister, Maggie." Bam said, as he entroduced the two people.

"I am so sorry, Glomb. If I had known you weren't Bam or Dunn, I wouldn't have punched you so hard." Maggie apologized, as she held her hand out to help Glomb off of the floor.

"It's fine. I just feel like my nuts are in my stomach right now." He replied, as he sat on her bed.

"Bam, you're an ass. You should've warned him not to be standing there." Maggie scolded, as Bam rolled his eyes.

"That's what he gets for standing by my sister." Bam retorted, before he walked out of Maggie's room.

      Maggie stood from her bed, stretching her muscles, before turning to Glomb, the new guy in her room.

"I would ask you if you want ice for that, but then everything shrinks, so..." She trailed off, chuckling at the end of her sentence.

     Glomb was intrigued by the dark haired girl. Her and Bam looked alike, way more than she looked like Jess. Honestly, he could say she was attractive, as long as he said it to himself. Bam had made it clear that none of his friends were allowed to date his baby sister. None of them seemed to try to either, since she didn't seem to give them even a single second glance.

       Maggie knew she was pretty. She was told every day, and not only by her mother and her best friend, Jenn. She hated that Bam could date her friends, but she wasn't allowed to date his. Nonetheless, she didn't care. She was too busy getting her tattooing license to worry about dating any of her brothers friends. Had she really wanted to years before, then the situation would've been a completely different discussion.

"Why does Bam have you here anyhow? I've never met you before, so you must be here for something." Maggie commented, as Glomb nodded.

"I'm supposed to be building a skate ramp for him." Glomb answered, causing Maggie to roll her eyes.

"Him and that damn skating. Well, I've got to get to work. You make sure he doesn't build anything in my room. If he does, and you didn't try to stop him, I'm going to hit you both a lot harder than I did when he woke me up." Maggie said, causing Glomb to nod with wide eyes.

      Maggie went to her closest and grabbed a new outfit for work. Since she was working as a tattoo apprentice, she decided to dress nice. She wanted everyone to see how amazing she looked. She knew she seemed arrogant, but she was just happy with herself and her body. She wasn't self-conscious like all the other girls.

     Her outfit consisted of tight leather pants, a black HIM singlet, and a pair of black ankle boots. Walking to the kitchen, she was greeted by her mother, Jenn, Bam and Bam's friends.

"I've got to get to work. I'll be home in a few hours." She announced, before saying goodbye to everyone.

       Once she had left, Glomb started building the skate ramp Bam had wanted. As he was building, he looked over at Bam and decided to ask about Maggie.

"Where does Maggie work? I mean, she hits hard as fuck, is she an mma fighter or something?" He asked, causing Bam to laugh.

"No, but she could be if she wanted, since she hits so damn hard," He commented, with a chuckle, before answering Glomb's original question,"She's getting her license to be a tattoo artist. Right now she's an apprentice."

"She does tattoos? Is she good?" Glomb asked, more interested in her than he was originally.

"Yeah. I've actually had her do one of mine." He answered, showing Glomb his heartagram.

"She did that?!" Glomb exclaimed, causing Bam to laugh.

      Had Bam knew that the more he praised his baby sister, the more he was giving his friend to admire, he probably wouldn't have talked so much about her. In fact, he probably wouldn't have discussed her at all.

"Yeah, she did mine and Ville's." He answered, as Glomb nodded.

       Being a tattoo apprentice, she wasn't able to tattoo many people unless they allowed her too. So, she was surprised when a man came in and let her tattoo him. He was quite hot and had great hair. He was definitely her type. He was already covered in tattoos and said he was a rockstar.

"What's your name?" She asked, as she set up the stencil on his arm.

"Dahvie." He replied, as he smiled down at the beautiful brunette.

       At first sight, Maggie could openly say that Dahvie attracted her. She thought he was very good looking. He was sweet and well manored. She actually wanted to listen to his music to get to know him, but she knew that wasn't a very formal thing to ask. So, she kept to herself, having small talk with him until he left. Once he was gone, she went to the back room and squealed. He had given her his number, which was something common for her, but this time very special. She honestly really liked him, but she wasn't so sure Bam would...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you all think so far? I literally thought of this book when I was watching Viva La Bam for the hundredth time, and I had realized that Glomb actually wasn't too bad looking, neither was Raab. I don't know about Glomb now, but I know Raab 2020 isn't very good looking anymore.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx 

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