Chapter Five - Secret Of A Lifetime

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       Maggie was freaking out. She had just earned her tattooing license and was no longer an apprentice, but she had just learned of something that would change her life forever. She had to tell Glomb, but she also had to tell Jenn. She needed advice, and though Jenn was Bam's girlfriend, she knew her best friend would keep her secret, besides, she wasn't telling her everything, not if she didn't have too.

       Walking out of her room, she walked straight into Bam's and seen they were both still asleep. Biting her lip, she lightly tapped Jenn on the arm causing her to stir. Jenn looked up at Maggie, and her eyes showed confusion.

"What's wrong?" Jenn whispered, seeing the fear on Maggie's face.

"C-can you come to my room?" Maggie asked, making Jenn nod quickly.

      Maggie walked towards her room, giving Jenn time to get dressed and come to her room. Jenn only took five minutes, but those were the longest five minutes of Maggie's life. When Jenn walked in and shut the door, Maggie sighed in relief. Jenn sat down on Maggie's bed, crossing her legs.

"What's the problem? You look so scared, are you alright?" Jenn asked, causing Maggie to bite her lip.

"I'm pregnant." Maggie blurted out, causing Jenn's eyes to widen.

"O-oh, when did you find out?" Jenn asked, shocked that her best friend was pregnant.

       Jenn was trying to do the math between Dahvie and Maggie's breakup and when she heard the news. She shook her head, knowing Maggie would've known if she was six months pregnant. Hell, everyone would've known. So, now Jenn wondered if Maggie had a secret boyfriend she hadn't told anyone about, or if it was one of those boyfriends she never really introduced to her family because she never felt they were worth it. The only reason Jenn knew about them, was because Jenn was Maggie's best friend.

"You remember when I went to the doctor the other day because I thought I had pink eye?" Maggie asked, causing Jenn to nod.

"Yeah, you said you popped a blood vessel in your eye." Jenn replied, making Maggie sigh.

"Well, the doctor did some blood work, mostly because she wanted to see if I had some type of medical condition for the blood vessel in my eye to pop, which luckily I did not. Anyhow, she called me early this morning, and said I was around six weeks pregnant, which is about a month and two weeks." Maggie stated, as Jenn bit her lip.

"At least you don't have a medical condition." Jenn commented, causing Maggie to nod.

"Yeah, oh, and I found out I've got my license, so I'm no longer an apprentice." Maggie said, as Jenn smiled.

"That's great," Jenn began, before sighing,"Can I ask you a serious question?" Jenn finished, making Maggie nod.

"Sure." Maggie replied, though she was scared about what Jenn was going to ask.

"Who's the baby's dad?" Jenn asked, as Maggie's breath hitched.

"I-I can't tell you that. Bam would be pissed." Maggie said, though Jenn shook her head and grasped her hands lightly.

"Maggie, I'm not going to tell Bam anything if you don't want me, too. I'll keep it to myself, even from Phil and Ape." Jenn stated, causing Maggie to sigh and nod.

"Glomb." Maggie blurted out, as Jenn's eyes went wide.

"I-I, oh god, well, are you guys happy together?" Jenn asked, unsure of her own words.

"More than happy, Jenn. I'm so scared Bam will find out and make me leave him. I really like him, Jenn, more than I have liked a lot of other boyfriends. I didn't expect to be having a baby, but now the risk of Bam finding out is huge." Maggie replied, causing Jenn to smile lightly.

"Have you told Glomb yet?" She asked, making Maggie shake her head.

"You're the first person I told. I don't know how to tell him." Maggie answered, as Jenn bit her lip.

"I've got an idea, but I'll need to go to the store. You just sit here, I'll be back before Glomb gets here." Jenn said, before she left Maggie's room in a hurry.

       Maggie sat on her bed, contemplating all the different ways Glomb might react to the news. Instead of letting her mind go crazy, she counted down the minutes until Jenn arrived back in her room with a couple bags from the store.

"Go do this test, while I fix up this surprise box." Jenn stated, before Maggie ran off to the bathroom.

      After taking the test, she left it on her counter, before walking back into her room.

"I texted Glomb with your phone and told him you had some news and that you wanted him to be here before anyone wakes up. Hopefully he's awake and sees the text." Jenn said, causing Maggie to nod nervously.

       Maggie went back and grabbed the test, seeing as it said positive, before passing it to Jenn. Jenn laid it next to the adorable onesie she had bought, before closing the small black box. She threw away the store bags, and then headed out of Maggie's room.

"Tell me how Glomb reacts." Jenn said, before shutting Maggie's door.

       About fifteen minutes later, Glomb was tapping at Maggie's window. Taking a shaky breath, Maggie opened her window and let him inside. He smiled at her and pecked her lips, before sitting down on her bed.

"What news did you have to tell me?" He asked, causing her heart to race.

"Two things actually, first, I am now a certified tattoo artist." She said, as Glomb smiled.

"That's great!" He replied, making her nod.

       She grabbed the box from her dresser, before laying it in Glomb's lap. He wasn't sure what the box was, but he slowly opened it anyhow. Being Bam's sister, he was honestly a little scared that the box would blow up in his face or something. When he opened the box and seen what was inside, his heart sped up a little. Looking up at Maggie, he seen the fear and nervousness on her face.

"A-Are you serious? How far along are you?" Glomb asked, causing her to nod slowly.

"Yes, I'm pregnant, about six weeks actually." She answered, as a smile slowly came to his face.

      He stood from the bed and wrapped his arms around Maggie, causing her to sigh in relief. She was scared of how he'd react, but now she couldn't be more happy that she told him...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you guys think of her announcement? Also, that's the onesie Jenn had put in the box.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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