Chapter Twelve - The Truth Hurts

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Nobody thought anything of it when Glomb helped Maggie carry in all of her things. Nobody paid attention when they brought baby things into the room. Nobody thought anything of it when Glomb left and then came back with a little boy. Nobody thought anything of it until Glomb handed the baby to Maggie.

"Alright, who's this?" April asked, as she walked into the living room where everyone else was.

"This is Pauly." Maggie answered, still scared of how to answer.

"Who are your roommates?" Dunn asked, and at this moment Maggie and Glomb know their secret was over.

Luckily Jenn was in the room, so Maggie handed Paul over to Jenn, before she turned towards everyone.

"My roommates are Glomb and Pauly." She stated, as everyone looked at her confused.

"Why?" Dico asked, humor heard in his words.

"Jeez guys, look at Pauly and look at Glomb!" She exclaimed, before everyone turned to her little boy.

"Oh, Pauly's Glomb's son?" April asked, unsure of what her daughter was actually saying.

"Yes, I mean, c'mon how'd you guys not see it? They're wearing matching shirts." Maggie commented, as everyone shrugged.

"I'm blind, give me a break here." Dunn retorted, as he threw his hands up in defeat.

"If he's Glomb's son, why does he look like you?" Raab asked, and everything went quiet.

Maggie and Glomb looked at each other for a moment, realizing Raab was the first one to figure something out.

"Wait! Are you saying-" Rake began, his eyes wide.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" April exclaimed, as she held her hands over her mouth.

"Surprise?" Maggie said questionably, a light smile on her face.

"You guys had a kid?!" Bam exclaimed, anger evident in his voice.

He stomped towards Glomb, but Maggie stood up and got in front of her fiancé.

"Bam, chill the hell out." She stated, as her brother glared daggers at her.

"Chill out?! You slept with my friend! He knocked you up! What should I be doing?!" Bam exclaimed, as he grabbed her arm.

"Look, man, it isn't as bad as you think. We were together for a while before we even had Pauly." Glomb tried to reason, but Bam was angry.

"Why didn't you guys tell me?!" He exclaimed, causing the couple to look at each other for a moment.

"You didn't want me dating any of your friends, Bam. We couldn't tell you because you would've been angry." Maggie said, as Bam nodded.

"Exactly. I would've made you guys split up before any of this shit could've happened." Bam spat, hurting Maggie's feelings.

Glomb could see the tears pooling in Maggie's eyes, making him very pissed off at Bam.

"Look here man, I was trying to be as respectful as possible, but you're making her cry. Yes, Maggie and I went behind your back, but we were happy together. Hell, we're still happy together, even after having Pauly. I hate to break it to you Bam, but I love your sister. She and I are actually engaged, have been for a while." Glomb stated, as Bam went silent.

"Bam, let go of your sister. She doesn't need your permission to be happy. Just let her be. Can't you see how happy Glomb and Pauly actually make her?" Phil commented, making Bam sigh.

"You're right. I just-I need some time to process this. I'm going to my room. I'll be out by dinner." He said, before he walked off to his room and slammed the door.

"That went better than I expected." Jenn commented, causing everyone to look over at her.

"You knew?!" April exclaimed, as Jenn nodded.

"Yeah, but I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone." She replied, as April sighed.

Every thing seemed awkwardly quiet for a moment, before April walked over towards Maggie, Glomb and Paul.

"Can I hold him?" She asked, causing Maggie to nod quickly.

"Of course, I wouldn't keep him from finally meeting his grandmother." Maggie replied, causing April to smile.

April picked him up and sat down next to Phil, them both fawning over their new grandson. Glomb smiled lightly and wrapped his arm around Maggie, glad he had let her accept Bam's request. Seeing how happy everyone was to meet them made them happy. Once April and Phil had Paul for a while, Dunn decided it was his turn with the baby. He swooped the boy up in his arms and smiled at him.

"Hello Pauly, I'm your uncle Ryan Dunn." Dunn said, causing everyone to laugh.

"Hi." Paul replied, causing Maggie to gasp.

The guys laughed once more, causing Paul to look over at them.

"Don't laugh, this is serious." Dunn scolded the guys, causing Paul to laugh.

Maggie couldn't believe that Dunn was the person to get Paul to say another word, neither could Glomb. Raab, Dico, and Rake all took turns holding him, even Vito, before Bam had finally come back from his room. He still didn't have a smile on his face, but he wasn't glaring at Glomb and Maggie anymore. He sat down next to Jenn, as Dico held Paul. Once Paul seen Bam had sat down, he looked over at him and reached towards him.

"He wants you to hold him." Jenn whispered, as Bam looked over at the little boy.

He was going to deny it, but when he seem the baby give him puppy eyes, he knew he couldn't deny holding him. Slowly, he reached over and grabbed Paul from Dico's arms. As soon as Paul was in his arms and smiling up at him, it was like Bam's mind had changed. He couldn't help but smile at the little boy who had stole his heart as soon as their eyes met.

"You really are quite the looker, huh?" Bam commented, causing everyone to laugh.

"Don't make his ego any bigger." Maggie retorted, as Bam smirked.

"You'll have the ladies kissing the ground you walk on soon enough. I'll teach you how to do that." Bam said, causing Maggie to scoff.

"When you learn it yourself, huh?" She asked, causing everyone to laugh.

Maybe their secret wasn't as bad as they had truly believed...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what do you think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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