Chapter Two - Meet Dahvie

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      Maggie had finally felt good enough to bring Dahvie to meet her family. She was excited, since she'd be able to have him around without any problems after he met her family. She wasn't even wary of Bam around Dahvie, after she had gotten to know Dahvie quite well. He was a sweetheart and Maggie was more than happy to be with him.

      Anyhow, once he had called and let her know he'd be at her place soon, she ran outside where everyone was hanging out.

"Please, please don't embarrass me and please be nice." She pleaded, causing her mother to smile.

"Don't worry, Maggie. Every one will be on their best behaviour." April, her mother, replied, though she knew no matter how hard she tried, the boys wouldn't listen to her if they didn't want too.

       Maggie watched as Dahvie's car pulled up, so she raced to the front and met him by the door. Smiling, she took his hand and lead him all the way back to the back yard where everyone was sitting.

"Dahvie, this is my family. Family, this is my boyfriend, Dahvie." She said, causing everyone to laugh.

"It's very nice to meet you, Dahvie. It's been a while since Maggie has brought home any guys." Her mother commented, causing Maggie to blush.

     She hadn't brought anyone home in a while because they never seemed good enough. Besides that, her brother and their friends always seemed to like to pull pranks on her boyfriends and run them off.

"Right, actual names. Alright, that's my mother, April, my father, Phil, my brother, Bam, my best friend, Jenn, and Bam's friends, Dunn, Raab, Dico, Rake and Glomb, who I did not see until now." Maggie said, as her voice grew awkward at the end.

"Thank God Vito's not here, otherwise you'd never have the guys acting right." April commented, as Maggie nodded in agreement.

       The group had decided to hang out and have a barbeque, though they didn't do most of the cooking. Phil and April did most of the cooking, while Bam made complaints and jokes.

      Maggie was honestly happy with how everyone seemed to be treating Dahvie. He wasn't outcasted or joked about. They were all very nice to him, even when he was being awkward and shy. Maggie honestly couldn't ask for a better family, though she couldn't believe her family could actually act nice and civil towards her boyfriends at all.

       Bam wasn't too sure about the guy, but he knew his sister was happy. He figured the reason he questioned Dahvie was because of the way he dressed and looked. Dahvie was different from normal rockstars, but that didn't mean he wasn't a great guy. Honestly, he hadn't seen his sister that happy in a long time.

      The guys wanted to joke around with Dahvie, but they knew how hard Maggie could actually hit, so they didn't try to joke with him too much. A joke here and there didn't bother her, but if she heard them going hard on him like they would her later on, well, then they knew they were all going to be bruised tomorrow. Dunn wasn't her latest victim.

      They had been making a mess out in the back yard, when Dunn threw dirt on her. Now, normally she wouldn't care if she got dirty, but he had thrown it right down her shirt. Once he knew what he had done, he took off running from her. He couldn't get away though, since it seemed she ran faster than lightening, as she tackled him to the ground. She punched his back three times, hearing him yell, before she let him up and walked away. He still had the bruises and the encounter had happened almost four days ago.

"Maggie, can you fix drinks? Jenn and I have to carry stuff out to the table." April asked, causing Maggie to nod.

     Maggie walked into the kitchen, grabbing glasses from the cupboard. She opened the fridge and grabbed some sodas, deciding to pour different ones into different cups and let people choose what they wanted. She wasn't expecting Glomb to be standing in the kitchen when she shut the fridge door, so she jumped when she seen him. Placing the drinks on the bar, she looked back at Glomb with a glare.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't like him." Glomb stated, causing Maggie to roll her eyes.

     She began to open the soda cans and pour them, as she fought the urge to punch Glomb in the face.

"Yeah? Why don't you like him, Glomb? Enlighten me." She commented, causing him to walk closer to her.

      She watched him step closer, but she didn't think anything of it. She sure didn't see him look over and spot Dahvie close to the kitchen listening in. Glomb knew he could hear him though, which made him smirk slightly.

"He's not good for you, Maggie. He's just a stupid rockstar. You're trying to be a tattoo artist and you can't do that when you're with him. Once he makes it public, the whole world will know about you. His obsessive little fan girls will hurt your feelings. He'll hurt your feelings. All rockstars are the same, Maggie. In the end,  they all will break your heart." Glomb stated, before walking away.

      Maggie stood still for a moment, taking in what Glomb had said to her. She didn't know if he was right, but she couldn't help the nagging feeling she had in the back of her head. Looking up, she seen Dahvie walking in. She placed a smile on her face, and continued pouring sodas.

"He's right." Dahvie said, causing Maggie to look at him bewildered.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, making him bite his lip.

"I'm not good for you. My life will just tear yours down." Dahvie continued, as Maggie tried to wrap her head around what he was saying.

"Dahvie-" She began, before he cut her off.

"I think it's better if we just end this now before it gets too serious. I'm sorry, Maggie, but this is for your best interest." Dahvie finished, leaving the house right after.

       Glomb listened to the whole encounter while he was hidden in the other room. So, when he heard Dahvie break up with Maggie, he decided to play hero.

"Maggie, what's wrong? I -" He began, before he had soda thrown in his face.

     He stood there with a shocked expression on his face, as she stomped off to her room. All though she was angry now, he knew he did the right thing...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. The first few chapters will be fast paced and have a good bit of time skips. Also, in real life, I really do love Dahvie, so please nobody hate on him. If you want to hate on him, feel free to stop reading my story.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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