Part 1

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"Rae, I bet there will be a lot of pretty girls at your father's party tonight" My younger sister says, giggling as I do her hair for her.

"Most likely there will be many Madeline, but what is your point?" I ask as I try to pin some of her disobedient curls back away from her face. "And could you stop bouncing?"

She settles down, "Well maybe someone will catch your eye and you'll get over Rosaline"

"Unlikely, no other human being could ever possibly compare to her beauty and grace."

"Well you will never know unless you try Rae, I just want you to stop moping around because of her already" She says as she hops out of the chair after I pin the last curl.

"I am not moping!" I yell as I shove her out of my room, "Now let me get ready already".

A few hours later I enter the Great Hall where the dancing and festivities have already begun. I wander the room, looking around, being content to simply watch for a little while before joining in on the fun. But as my eyes sweep the room everything seems to come to a stop as I look at the most gorgeous woman to ever live on this earth. Her hair falling in long dark waves down her back all the way to her waist. Her supple lips are a soft pink, perfectly matching the soft blush on her pale cheeks. The simple dress of baby blue she is wearing is perfectly cut for dancing, showing off her beautiful form while highlighting her every movement.

I quickly snap out of my daze and begin walking over to introduce myself to this amazingly gorgeous person. As I step up to her I go to speak, "I am Princess Raelynn, may I-" only to stop as she turns towards me, her soft hair falling away to reveal her delicately pointed ears. Stopping in my tracks I gasp in surprise, staring. There hasn't been an Elven visitor in the palace in years due to the vicious hatred between our races. It is only then that I notice the important court officials standing around her, now looking at me, wondering why the eldest princess had suddenly interrupted their discussion.

"Yes Princess?" Her melodic voice suddenly asks, breaking my concentration and making me realize that I have been staring.

"Ah, yes. May I ask for your name and hand in dance Lady?" I ask, quickly trying to cover up my awkwardness and obvious desire.

Thankfully she simply smiles and, sensing the tense atmosphere, takes my hand, leading me out to the center of the hall where the dancing is taking place and says, "My name is Juliet, Raelynn" I smile upon hearing a name that fits her so perfectly.

"What brings you to the palace Juliet?" I ask as we begin to dance.

"I am a diplomat for the elves. We believe it is time to mend this horrible divide between our races."

"Oh I hope you can! How long will you be staying here?" I ask, smiling and laughing as I spin her before pulling her closer to me than before.

She blushes slightly, but keeps her same slightly smiling expression and asks, "Do you have the same prejudice against my people as your fellow humans Raelynn?"

"I do not." I breathe, flushed and dizzy from dancing and staring at her beautiful face.

"Then you will not object to me acting on this feeling of mine?" She asks, staring at me intently, holding our hands up between us.

"Not at all-" She kisses me lightly, her rosy lips touching my own. I pull away in surprise before smiling and kissing her myself, feelings of love and belonging filling my entire being, only pulling away to the sound of one of her people calling to us.

"Lady Juliet! The King is asking for you my Lady," the guard says, looking slightly guilty for interrupting our dance. Juliet nods to him before turning back to me, frowning slightly.

"It is alright Juliet, the party is ending now anyways. Will I be able to see you again?" I ask, because I could not stand not seeing her, my love ever again.

"You will, I am sure" She says before turning and following the guard to go see my father. Taking her cue I go and begin walking to my rooms.

It took the entire walk to my room before my smile began to fade away. I went inside and got undressed before laying down to go to sleep. 

Raeliet (A Romeo and Juliet Parody I  Guess)Where stories live. Discover now