Chapter 11

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Stepping through the doors into the lab, everyone was still in the same positions.

"Anyone heard from Jake?" I questioned worriedly.

"Not since we spoke to him just 15 minutes ago."

I glared at Clint. "Well thank you smartass. Staff meeting ladies."

Ace and B looked up and groaned before joining behind us.

"We'll be in the break room for a few if you need us."

We got some nods but no one questioned us so we headed down the hall. The girls sat at the small table in the break room as I grabbed some healthy snacks and waters, distributing them throughout the four of us.

"So what's the meeting for?"

I shrugged at Brook's question. "I just wanted some Grace time. Plus B I don't think you've left that lab since we got here so you needed a break."

She bit into the apple. "I never turn down food. But there's stuff that needs to be done."

"Is there?" Syd questioned her sister. "We're not in the cordon we don't actually know what's happening. Bruce said we just have to wait until we hear from them and there wasn't anything we could really do right now."

B's shoulders dropped. "I know. I just feel so helpless. Our friends are in there. I should be doing something more than sitting around eating and chatting about nothing."

Ace patted her on the shoulder. "Trust me, we get it. We all want to be out there helping. But running ourselves ragged to the point we can't function when it is actually time to help isn't going to do anyone any good. We all gotta take a break."

She sighed heavily. "You're right I guess."

"Why don't you and Bucky go spend some quality time together, just the two of you. Ace and Syd, y'all go spend time with your men. It's been a hectic few days and that's something I'm sure you could all use. Plus," I zeroed in on Syd. "That gets Peter away from the computer and maybe Steve could actually do his job for a while."

"I'm always down for rest and time with the boy. I'll go get him."

Ace and a reluctant B agreed with Syd.

"Good! Meeting adjourned!" I stood up as the others joined me.

"You need a break too."

Nodding at Ace, I opened the door. "I might take a nap. Or play cards with Scott. I'll find some way to chill for a few. I promise."

We had a group hug and headed back to the lab. Clint and Bucky needed no persuasion for alone time with their girlfriends. Pete wasn't as easy to peel away from his computer, but Syd finally managed and it was down to me, Scott, Tasha, Bruce, and Steve.

"If you two want to go rest or whatever you can take my office. It'll be quieter."

Tasha accepted happily but Bruce didn't want to leave the monitor, despite my protests that I was perfectly capable of keeping an eye in case Jake called in. Finally I gave up arguing with him and plopped down on the couch as Tasha threw her hands up and retreated to my office for a nap. Scott sat down beside me.

"You look exhausted."

I blew hair out of my eyes. "I didn't sleep well last night."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I shrugged. "Just heightened emotions coming back to all this. Plus... I kept dreaming about Iraq. And the day I got shot."

"Does that happen a lot?" He eyed me with concern.

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