I woke up from my alarm and it was the next day of school. I'm definitely ignoring mattia today! Y/n brushed her teeth took a shower and the rest of her Morning routine.she did her hair like this..and decide to wear this..
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Y/n was done getting ready she went down stairs got a snack and said bye to her mother she got in the car and started it and drives to Shaylynn house. she txt Shaylynn that she's outside. Bestie.🤍🚨 Y/n Im outside, you ready? Bestie🤍🚨 Ye I'm coming out.. see u in the car. Read. A few minutes went bye and Shaylynn finally came out of her house she got in the passenger seat and y/n started driving to there school and Shaylynn said.. Shaylynn: you gonna talk to Mattia today? Y/n: no Shaylynn: yesterday he was being a dick Y/n: he never told me he had a girlfriend that's the thing and he got mad cause I punched her Shaylynn: well she learned her lesson Y/n: damn right she did and I will drop kick tht hoe if I have to Shaylynn: ahaha Y/n: unt un girl yo laugh is ugly if u want Alejandro u gonna have to fix your laugh! Shaylynn: bitch who said I wanted Alejandro Y/n: I can just tell y'all like each other and he gave you a smirk when u gave him that hickey Shaylynn: yo chilll Y/n : I bet he still got tht hickey on his neck. Shaylynn: lordttt.. but he is cute tho Y/n: TOLD YAHHH Shaylynn: fuckk Y/n: we here Shaylynn: ugh Y/n: fuck I forgot I have first period with mattia and we sit next to each other.!!! Shaylynn: damn good luck with tht.! Y/n and Shaylynn got out the car gave each other a hug and went there separate ways. Y/n rlly didn't wanna go to her first period but she had to . She walked in the class and mattia was not here yet so she was a lil happy. She went to her seat and a couple of minutes late mattia walks in and took his seat right next to y/n. Mattia: hey Y/n: ... mattia: pls don't tell me your ignoring me Y/n: ... mattia: omg look I'm srry I didn't tell you I had a gf Y/n: mhm Mattia: yo y/n talk to me pls Y/n : whattt Mattia: y are you so mad at me Y/n: cause u didn't tell me u had a gf and u got mad cause I was defending my self when your gf call me a bitch! Mattia: well I'm finna break up with her cause my parents don't like her and we're to toxic. Y/n: still ignoring you for the rest of this pd Mattia Ight mama's It was almost the end of class we had 15 more minutes left but I felt a hand on my upper thigh I look down at my thigh and it was Mattia .. I tried not to smile but I couldn't hold it ... I tried moving it but he was to strong so I let it be. The bell rung and i got up and from my seat and so did mattia and he just hug me out of no where. Y/n: y are you hugs me Mattia: idk, just wanted a hug from you Y/n: oh ok Mattia: after school can u pls come to my place and work thing out pls. Y/n: y so tht Cynthia bitch can bust in your house like last time Mattia: Y/N just trust Nd she not gonna bust in my house Y/n: Ight Y/n and mattia was walking to 2 pd together and they always sit with each other in every class they have together. Today we had to study for our quiz tmr mattia forgot to bring his study packet. Mattia: yo I forgot to bring my study packet. Y/n: what am I suppose to do abt it .. walk to your house and get it Mattia: y/n I will hurt yo feelings don't get smart with me rat fuck Y/n: yea and that's why I'm not gonna share my packet with you with yo dingy rude ass.! Mattia: ok ok I'm srry .. damn Y/n: yea that's what I thought sweetheart Teacher: Mattia wears your study packet Mattia: um I left it at home Teacher: well you can share with y/n Y/n: umm- Teacher: what's the problem isn't tht your bf or something Y/n : WHATT .. mattia is not my bf. Teacher: ahhah sit down I was jk Few minutes later.. Mattia: we should get closer Y/n: you wanna like talk more Mattia: yea, I mean if u want to Y/n: I'm down The bell rung and y/n and mattia seen Alejandro with Shaylynn so they went to go catch up with them and they all started talking. Shaylynn: hey bestie!! Y/n: hey girly, how come u wasn't in any of my periods . Shaylynn: SHIT I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING I forgot to tell u tht they gave me the wrong schedule and gave me my real schedule so I don't have no classes with you accept for 3 Y/n: so who do u have all classes with? Alejandro: me! Y/n: no cap y'all would be cute! Shaylynn: um let's not bring that up now Mattia: yea, I'm hungry y'all wanna skip school and get food and go to my place Y/n: sure Alejandro: yea Shaylynn: Ight Mattia: Ight lets go but we have to get the rest of they boys Y/n: Ight so just txt them Mattia: shut up smart one I was gonna do that Y/n and mattia laughed together and mattia txt the boys to meet him outside of the school.. few minutes later all the boys came and we was trying to decide who gonna ride with us Y/n: Ight so who gonna ride with me Mattia: ME!! Shaylynn: Ight I will ride with Alejandro Roshuan: y'all would leave me with these 2 midget Kairi: ok do u wanna fight cause I will drop kick yo dingy ass on this concrete Everyone laugh and went to their cars they were going to get Chinese food .. Mattia got in y/n car and y/n got the car started and drove off Mattia: are we almost there I'm hungry Y/n: ugh quit whining and yes we are almost there FATTIE Mattia: IM FAT? Look at u! Y/n: Mattia the only thing that's fat on me is my- Mattia: ASS Y/n: ding ding ding Mattia: y/n your gorgeous Y/n : thank u Mattia that means a lot Mattia: you welcome ma Y/n: ok we're here! Mattia: abt time cause if we didn't make it I would of eaten you Y/n: whatttt, Mattia you bold! Mattia: Ight lets go in I'm hungry! The rest of them was already over there and they waited for us and we all ordered our food. Few minutes later we got our food and we all ate.. now we all had to go to Mattia house