
14 1 0

After eating they all walked bck to there cars and was headed to mattias house.
Y/n: Mattia are you ok like your starting at me and I'm kinda scared
Mattia: your just so beautiful
Y/n: thank you mattia
Mattia: np mamas , hey can we get in the back seat I wanna talk to u
Y/n: y can't we talk right here
Mattia: cause I just don't want to .. plss
Y/n: Ight
They both went to the bck seats.
Y/n: ok so what do we need to ta-
Mattia Lean into y/n and kissed her and she kissed bck. Mattia put both of his hands on y/n waste and put her on his lap y/n was moving to much. Y/n stopped kissing Mattia when she felt a boner from Mattias pants.
Mattia ye and u have to fix it's
Y/n : nah I'm good
Mattia: omg
Y/n: Don't omg me anywayss we have to go to your house the rest of them probably there already
Mattia: Ight
After that situation y/n drove to Mattia house and they got their shortly. The rest of them was waiting outside of mattias house.
Roshuan: abt time y'all niggas came
Alejandro: what was y'all doin
Mattia: nun
Shaylynn mhm
Kairi: y u have a boner?
Shaylynn: in the CAR!
Alejandro: wait are y'all together
Y/n: no, can we pls go inside
Kairi: the rat fuck feel embarrassed
Mattia: shut up!
Mattia unlocked the door and everyone went in his basement.
Kairi: Y'all wanna finish play truth or dare?
Mattia: yea
Roshuan: yeah
Alejandro: mhm
Shaylynn: Ight
Alvaro: yesirr
Alejandro: Ight y/n truth or daree
Y/n: dare
Alejandro: I dare you to sit on Mattia lap
Y/n: ok that's easy
Y/n got up and sat on Mattia lap and mattia had a smirk on his face
Mattia: DONT make me hard again cause this time you rlly finna fix it later
Alejandro: whoaa
Kairi: Roshuan truth or dare
Roshuan: dare
Kairi: call Robert and say "fuck me in the pussy"
Roshuan: bettt
Everyone laughed and Roshuan called Robert.
Robert: hello
Robert: On my way!
Robert: I'll do anything for my daddy!
Roshuan: -bye
Roshuan hung up and everyone laugh and played truth or dare. After the game everyone left and it was just y/n and mattia.
Y/n: u remember when we was in 1 pd and u said u wanted to work things out
Mattia: yea
Y/n: What did u wanna work out
Mattia: oh um-
Y/n: who's tht
Mattia: um nothing
Y/n: it's Cynthia isn't it
Mattia: y/n...
Y/n : Mattia I think it's time for me to go
Mattia: y/n pls !
Y/n: I gotta go
Y/n got up and tried to walk off but Mattia stop her. She saw tears coming out of his eyes and it made y/n cry to.
Y/n: y are you crying?
Mattia: cause I didn't tell u tht I broke up with Cynthia yet and I'm srry .. y are u crying
Y/n: idek y I'm crying cause we're not even together I have no right to be mad at you, I thought we could of gave it a shot from tht kiss but I guess not and I don't like when u lie to me.. ugh MATTIA U MAKE ME FEEL LIKE IM YOU LIL SIDE CHICK AND IM NOT GOING FOR THT
Mattia: Y/n I'm srry ok I never thought you felt tht way abt me and I was scared to tell you this but I'm in love with you and I'm srry for being a dick and I'm srry for everything I promise I'm gonna fix myself and break up with Cynthia just pl-
Y/n: shut up
Y/n kissed Mattia and he kissed back.
Mattia: you kissed me
Y/n: and you kissed bck
Mattia: y did u kiss me
Y/n: to make you shut up, look you said that you promise you were gonna fix yourself so I expect you to do tht
A smile form on Mattias face and he pick y and hugged her and she hugged him bck they'd looked at each other and mattia started leaning into y/n and kissed her and they both smiled.
Y/n: Ight well it's getting pretty late so ima go home nugget
Mattia:Ight mamas but can I walk you out
Y/n: sure
Mattia walked y/n out and he hugged her. Y/n got in the car and called Shaylynn.

In the next chapter that's when y/n gonna call Shaylynn hope y'all enjoying!!💕🦋

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