Y/n started driving and she ft Shaylynn to tell her everything . Shaylynn: Wsp ugly ! Y/n: shut up n e wayzz , girl guess whatt Shaylynn: whatttt Y/n: I'm pregnant! Shaylynn: Y/N ARE YOU SERIOUS OMGG YOUR ONLY 6TEEN BITCHH. YOU GONNA BE IN THT SHOW THATS CALL TEEN MOMS! Y/n: bitch I'm jk with yo dingy dirty ass! Shaylynn: oh I was finna say but Fr tell me what your so excited abt! Y/n: oh yea, so Mattia- Ding! Y/n: hold on he txted me! Shaylynn: what did he sayy Y/n : NIGGA CAN I FUCKING LOOK Shaylynn: oh my bad take your time fatass! Y/n : thank you Y/n opened Mattia txt. Y/n: he said to I have plans tmr! Shaylynn: say no bitch Y/n: Ok! Nugget!😍🤍
Nugget!😍🤍 You got plans tmr?😳 Y/n No y? Nugget!😍🤍 Cause I want to spend time with you and take you somewhere is tht ok with you ma?🥺 Y/n Yes it ok with me Mattia.😂🧡 Nugget!😍🤍 Bett, see you tmr ma.😏💕 Y/n Ight nugget!🥴 Read.
Shaylynn: SO WHAT YALL TALKING ABTT! Y/n: OHH bitch You scared me I forgot I was otp with your ass, but he just txted me saying he wanna take me somewhere cause he wanna spend time with me Shaylynn: SO IT A DATE! Y/n: well .. Shaylynn : girl if he wanna take you out "somewhere" then it obviously a date. Y/n: Ima play around with him! Shaylynn: Oop- Y/n: girl not like tht ima play hard to get Shaylynn: Ohhh Y/n: yea bitch your dumb, but ima talk to u later bye Shaylynn: bye Y/n hung up the phone and stop at the gas station to get some candy. She went in and she saw Cynthia. Y/n tried to play cool but Cynthia said something to y/n. Cynthia: well well well if it isn't the bitch y/n that took my bf! Y/n: bitch, he broke up with u get over it and stop talking shit before you get your ass popped again! Cynthia: ahah your funn- Kairi: Yoo hop tf off bro leave my friend alone Y/n: since when tf did u get here Kairi: I just came here to get some candy Y/n: me tooo Kairi: ahh Cynthia: ew stfu Kairi: bitch pls EXECUTE YOURSELF! Y/n: plss Cynthia walked off and kairi and y/n laughed. Kairi and y/n went to go pick out there candy and payed for them. Y/n: kairi Kairi: yea Y/n: who did u ride with ? Kairi: oh Alejandro Y/n : o well I gtg midget see yah Kairi: bye rat fuck Y/n laughed and walk to her car and started driving home. Y/n finally got home and she got a call from Mattia.! Y/n: Yoo Mattia: yea I just wanted to call u if u got home safe Y/n : well thank nugget! Mattia: np Y/n: yo guess who I saw at the gas station! Mattia: who Y/n: CYNTHIA, she was talking mad shit .. oh yea and I saw kairi over there to. Mattia: what was kairi doing over there? Y/n: he was going to get some candy. Mattia: oh, hey can we stay otp pls Y/n: for the whole night? Mattia: yea Y/n: Ight .. u finna see me do my whole night routine Mattia: tah I don't mind Y/n got done with her night routine but she was still finding something to wear to gts. Mattia: wear are you! Y/n: in my closet ! Mattia: what are u looking for Y/n: something for me to sleep in Mattia: gir- Y/n: found it !
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Mattia: WHOA!!! Y/n: what? Mattia: damnn u look good in tht!!! Y/n: thank yo- , MATTIA Y DID U TAKE A SCREEN SHOT!! Mattia: cause u finna be my lock screen!! Y/n: noo if u want me to be your lock screen I'll send u a different picture then that, ima send it to u on img. Mattia: Ight Nugget!😍🤍
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Mattia: omgg Y/n: what? Mattia: u making me hard bro! Y/n: pls control your dick! Mattia: Mann I cant wait to see u tmr! Y/n: yea ok, tia what time is it? Mattia: tia? Y/n : mb it slipped ou- Mattia: no I like it, it's cute! Y/n: can u tell me the damn time Mattia: ugh don't get dragged, and u have a phone so u check the time Y/n: I'm doing something! Mattia: omg finee , it 8:10 Y/n: ugh well my mom don't get here till 3:00 in the morning you wanna come over with the boys? Mattia: you SERIOUS! Y/n: yea I'm deadass Mattia: SAY LESS send the addy and I'll be there with the boys! Y/n: Ight, I gotta call Shaylynn Mattia: Ight bye Y/n: byee Y/n called Shaylynn to come over and she sent Mattia her address. Y/n went down got a whole bunch of snacks and took them up stairs for her and her friends that was coming.
Srry if I haven't been updating but comment if u want me to right part 6 right now or at night ? 🦋🧡hope y'all enjoying this story!😌