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A few hrs Mattia and y/n woke up and they both had a miss call from kairi. They called bck and y/n got ready cause kairi was gonna pick both of them up. y/n walked out the bathroom with leggings and a bra on and mattia eyes looked straight at y/n body.
Y/n: ew what are u looking at
Mattia: you now come to daddy
Y/n: nope
Mattia: pls
Y/n: fine ( she walked to Mattia and sat on his lap)
Y/n: yes
Mattia: just wanted to lay my head on my favorite pillow ( he smirk)
Y/n: Chile n e WAYZZ ima go get a shir-
Mattia kissed her and she kissed bck and she look at Mattia and she made a Stink face and mattia kissed her again and she kissed bck.
Y/n: why yo lips so soft
Mattia: idk
Y/n: can I bite your bottom lip
Mattia: um no
Y/n: ima do it anyways( y/n grabbed Mattia face and bit his bottom lip)
Mattia: yo that kinda turned me on.
Y/n: Chile anyways I gotta go put a shirt on.( y/n got up and mattia smack her butt and she laughed)
Y/n: bae u like my outfit.?

Mattia: hell yeah come here( she walked yo Mattia)Y/n: yessMattia: I love uY/n: love u t-Kairi: aww y'all fat bitches made upY/n: when tf did y'all come hereAlejandro: like 3 minutes ago Alvaro: yea maybe u should just lock your damn doors

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Mattia: hell yeah come here( she walked yo Mattia)
Y/n: yess
Mattia: I love u
Y/n: love u t-
Kairi: aww y'all fat bitches made up
Y/n: when tf did y'all come here
Alejandro: like 3 minutes ago
Alvaro: yea maybe u should just lock your damn doors.
Y/n: ugh shut up but anyways we're are we going
Kairi: Alejandro house
Alejandro: what's wrong with my house
Alejandro: oh Miguel he's not gonna bite you
Mattia: he bit me
Kairi: me to
Alvaro: ok he bit all of us
Y/n: idec no more cause if he bites me Were gonna be fight
Alejandro: shut up and let's go.!
They walk in Alejandro house and as soon as y/n and the dog made eye contact the dog ran up to y/n and started licking her hand.
Y/n: ahaha the dog like me
Mattia: what how did she not get bit
Kairi: he likes her
Y/n started walking and the dog was following her. She sat on the couch and the dog sat right on top of her.
Y/n: awww
Mattia: hope he knows that she's taken
Y/n: anyways what we gonna do here
Alejandro: y'all wanna watch a movie or play something
Y/n: can we watch the movie after I wanna play a game
Kairi: I agree
Roshaun: yea
Y/n: wait bitch did y'all know Annabelle escaped from the Museum
Mattia: omg y'all rlly believe tht shit
Kairi: yess
Y/n: Chile when the lights start flickerin-( the lights shut down)
Y/n: oh bitchhhh
Kairi: y/n WTF
roshaun: bitch I think it's time to take my black ass home ( light came bck on)
Mattia: we're Miguel and Alvaro
Y/n: Alejandro bitch take me HOME!!
Alejandro: chilll we have to fine Miguel and Alvar-
Alvaro: hey guys
Mattia: bitch where were you
Alvaro: outside with Miguel.
Roshaun: when did u take Miguel outside and when did Miguel got off y/n's lap
Y/n: yea I didn't even feel him get off my lap
Alvaro: oh ( blood started pouring out Alvaro mouth)
Y/n: oh fuck no I'm getting out this bitch( y/n stand up)
Alvaro: IM PLAYIN ( he laughed)
Y/n: bitchhh ugh I hate it here
Mattia: Aw it's ok.
They all laughed and they all went home.

Ima take a break .🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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