Knock You Down

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Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down just get back up when it knocks you down, knocks you down-Keri hilson ft Kanye West and Neyo, knock you down

Jasmena POV

"Mhmmm yes" I said in fake passion as the little dweeb started kissing down my neck sloppily. This is just revolting I silentily thought .

"Yeah baby you like that, you like it huh" he chanted it what was suppose to be a sexy whisper. In reality I could still smell his tuna salad off his breath and his cheap cologne was giving me a migraine.

After about five more minutes of torture I shook him off of me, I swear on god the things I am forced to do just to win at everything.

"So when are we gonna meet up again Jas, maybe next time we could head to your house or something somewhere with a little more privacy" he earnestly said.

"Not a chance Jefferson and you know how I feel about nicknames" I scolded. "Besides did you do what I asked you?"

"No I'm working our the details so tha-"

Before he could finish his sentence I sent one punch to his face. How dare he, I ask one simple thing from his dumb behind and he can't even fullfill it.

"Don't play with me Jefferson" I screamed while punching him again in he same spot. Bitches love pissing me off, its not easy being queen.

"Jasmena im trying to do everything you ask of me all at once but its nearly impossible, how do you ever expect Tajia to trust me again after your having me date Shelly who by the way I think has figured us out".

My blood was absolutely boiling at this point, " fix the problem Jefferson, I'm giving you two days fix it or else there is no us". Without even leaving him a chance to reply I slammed the custodian closet door shut. I swear on god if destroying Tajia Meyers wasnt the motive I wouldn't be putting up and dealing with half this ridiculous shit.

Jefferson for one has always been a dweeb and will always be. I just need him to do one simple thing and then everything would be alright if he could stick to the game plan. I never really took much interest in him until a couple months ago when I came up with the Tajia Takeover. He is so naive and stupid he actually believes that we are in love and that we will be together once Tajia Takeover blows over.

I really do pride myself in my manipulation. Its almost like I have a super power. I brainwash people and then use them for how ever long they are needed then quickly dispose of them. At the end of Tajia Takeover not only do I takedown Tajia I finally get to have the person truly wanted in this whole scheme.


I felt the vibration of my phone through my pocket, a text message quickly I read and responded if dweeb could just do his job tonight everything would be fine and life would be good. Knowing that I was finally going to get rid of the ugly black monster actually made me reply back to him, instead of just reading and not responding.

Hey babes clear d house 2nite plan going underway just give me 2hrs -Jefferson2swag

K, and mess this plan up and I'll kill you myself :* kisses -Bowdownbitches

Save d bedroom talk for l8r, but holla at you l8r gorgeous - Jefferson2swag

Now that I was most definitely gonna ignore. I chuckled to myself if only he truly knew what my intentions were and how his supposed "best friend" was going to be affected tonight.

Dark and ugly shall feel the pain....

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