Its a family issue

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A family that pray together will definitely stay together- unknown

Tajia POV
I felt so light and free as I opened my eyes. However instead of the cold wooden floor I was expecting to wake up on I woke up on a light fluffy cloud. In front of me is what I can only imagine was my creator.

"Am I dead?" I asked the man in front of me. I assumed he was my creator because you could literally feel the power coming off from him. He appeared to be human and godly at the same time he was also a mixture of all races. Instead of looking odd ur was quite comforting it was almost like anyone could relate to him.

"No Tajia, not dead but not quite alive. You took a hard fall and in order for the baby to be safe the doctors put you in a medically induced coma. You should be waking up in about five minutes though."

"Pregnant?! Wait what!!! I'm sixteen this can't be happening. The one time I did have sexy I used a condom and I can't have a baby. Matter of fact I won't have this baby." I was heated and disappointed in myself all at the same time. That's when a thought popped in to my head. "Please God just let me die, I have nothing left to live for and when my parents find out they will kill me anyways." My eyes looked up to him pleadingly.

God gave me a once over look and then said "Tajia Meyers you are so desperate for love but fail to realize it's not illegal to love yourself. This baby will be the best thing that has ever happened to you if you can face the challenges ahead of you in life. In the difficult times remember to call upon me and I will answer. In the meantime I command you to wake back up."

My eyes flew open; surrounding me were doctors, nurses, and my family members. The first person to approach me was my mother, there was tears in her eyes as she came up to my hospital bed. Suddenly I felt her hand reach down and deliver a stinging slap.

"Yuh bumboclat!!! How cud yuh ass be so damn dumb. Since yuh want to haf sex an be grown, yuh and dat seed can get out mi house." The tears were rolling down my face as she walked out out the room making sure to slam the door. My mother usually hides her thick Jamaican accent well since patwas is seen as uncivilized and crude. I know she was extremely pissed if she was slipping back in to her old dialect.

"Hi Miss. Meyer my name is Dr. Einhower I would like to speak to you privately about your condition." A short balding Jewish man extended his hand towards me and I limply shook it, still feeling very weak.

"Ok Meyers from the looks of it you didn't even realize you were pregnant-"
"Yes and I want to know the fastest way I can get rid of it!" I said cutting him off in mid sentence.
"Well I advise that you keep it, personally speaking" he said with a bit of attitude, implying that my rudeness affected him.
"Listen Tajia, I believe you have a condition called drionchonemedryia syndrome. It usually occurs in teen pregnancies. It's basically just the teenage body rejecting the pregnancy. That's why in the two months of being pregnant you haven't shown. Usually what doctors are forced to do is perform a c section at around 7 months and nine times out of ten the baby is still born.
"Well to be honest I don't care, this baby is a mistake-"
"Well Tajia I'm afraid you must care. A baby is still God's gift wether you like it or not. This disease also has life long symptoms. For example Miss. Meyers after you have this baby wether it's dead or alive you won't be able to have another child. Drionchonemedryia forces the tubes to tie themselves afterwards and all though you can try to have the tubes un tied it still is a very dangerous and risky procedure. Many young women are successful in un tying the tubes but fail to still, in the end have the child.

This statement truly caught my attention, I mean obviously I had dreams of settling down with my husband one day and living in a two story house with a white picket fence. Mixed in between my dream would be my three beautiful kids with whom I would love and constantly dote on.

"Well Miss. Meyers I'll let you decide on what you want to do in
the meantime you can just press the red button for a nurse. I believe your family already left to go home but I am sure they will be back tomorrow to help you out with this decision you must make."

As he left my thoughts traveled down to this thing in my stomach, If I can't even love myself what makes God think I can love it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2015 ⏰

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