Bad Choices part 1

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Girl that's just your S.E.X. take a deep breath, think before you let it go -Lyfe Jennings

Tajia POV

As I was walking home I approached the front door and immediately recognized Jefferson's figure laying back on the hammock looking relaxed as ever. The absolute nerve of this boy.

"Get up and leave, your trespassing on my property" I said trying to sound vicious.

"Taj cut the bull you know good and well your trying to sound mean when in reality your not" he said with a chuckle his brown eyes holding a hint of teasing. I sat admiring my ex best friend, when we were still friends I started to notice how Jefferson matured from a playful boy too a handsome young man.

"What's the matter taj, noticing my sexyness?" He said while flashing me an award winning smile.

I really couldn't help but give a hearty laugh. Honestly even throughout all my bitterness lately I couldn't help but miss just relaxing and laughing with Jefferson. It's funny how I'm quicker to forgive Jefferson then Shelly but honestly I feel like she still deserves the cold shoulder. Through out all these months Jefferson has tried to apologize countless times while Shelly once. Even when she apologized she really didn't sound sincere instead she said I was really just overreacting and need to get over the fact that there qoute on quote in love with each other. The amount of times Shelly falls in love is ridiculous but anyways that is a whole nother story.

"Cmon Jefferson, your lucky I miss your goofy behind or you would be sitting out here in this hot sun". He flashed another one of those special smiles and followed me inside. For the next thirty minutes we sat on the couch watching Martin and just talking. It was like we never had an issue, basically all was forgotten. Suddenly I felt his eyes sweeping up and down my face and body.

" Can I help you, you looking at sexyness right now and in order to look you must pay" I said in a teasing voice.

"That's it your gonna learn today Tajia Meyers" he swiftly picked up and carried me bridesmaids style to the room I currently shared with my sister. At this point my round of giggles were coming out wheezily due to the fact I could barely breathe because of how hard I was laughing. He grabbed a belt and started playfully beating me.

A couple minutes later we were both tired from playing around I was laying on top of him while he was stroking my hair. For most of my life me and Jefferson had played around like this but now it felt sort of  out of place. Maybe it was because I use to look at him as a brother but now as I was firmly pressed against him I could feel not only the outline of abs but his hard member pressed against my lower back.

"Tajia, why do you not realize how beautiful you are?" It was a totally random question, it actually totally caught me off guard.

"Well for one my skin color is the color of coal and for two I can't even compare to Jasmena, I don't know why your lying Jefferson you know good and well that I'm a black rat and Jasmena is like a beautiful angel".

"Taj let me tell you something real" he said as he  cupped my face in between his hands. "Your more then beautiful, you are stunning don't let something as insignificant as skin color hold you back from seeing your own beauty. You have too love your self first Taj, or nobody will".

Before giving me a chance to respond I felt his soft pink kips on mine. His kiss was beautiful almost majestic. I mean this wasn't my first time getting kissed but it was my first time getting kissed like this, he kissed me like I was the only girl in the world. Suddenly my mind went too Shelly, whatever this was that we were doing it was wrong.

I broke away from his touch." Jefferson we should stop..... " I said still a little dazed from that kiss.

"Tajia you don't love yourself, let me love you for yourself just this once." As well as his pleading eyes staring deep in too my soul I felt his hands creep in to the waistband of my tights. He slid himself further down suddenly I felt a chill go up my spine as he made a vibrating motion inside my core.

At first we were both content with these simple acts of sexuality, but then I felt myself hungering for more. As are kisses grew deeper than when we both started to shed our clothes.

"I don't have a condom and I'm not letting you go in raw" I said matter of factly.

"Chill Tajia I got you" he slipped out a magnum and put it on his memeber.

When he entered it hurt really badly and blood was everywhere I  was starting to wonder why everyone made such a big deal out of sex until finally I started getting some pleasure out of it.

Barely 45 minutes in he came, I didn't get a chance too but at this point I just wanted him to leave I was so over everything.

"Love you Tajia" he gave me a quick peck. I half heartdly said it back. Now that it was over I had a really bad feeling in my stomach maybe it was because I knew in my heart how wrong I was. Although Shelly hurt me first by dating Jefferson I might have just done even worst by having sex with him while they are possibly still together. Jefferson did say he loved me though I thought smugly, honestly for a second there I really did think I was too ugly for love.

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