↳ holding you

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A/N: Another dream inspired imagine. That's all.

P.S. I mention anime in at one point (you'll see why) but if that's not something you're interested in, just picture any kind of show you like.


"Why don't we go to the marketplace?" Your friend, Jennie suggested. "I heard there's going to be a bunch of cute shops that sell vintage stuff. You'll love it!"

Your ears perked up. "Really?"

You weren't a fan of crowded places like markets, but Jennie had been dying to go all week. She wanted to drag you along with her and the rest of your friends, but you tried to avoid the topic as much as possible.

However, the rest of your friends happened to overhear the plan and were trying hard to convince you to come. Eventually you gave in after hearing about all kinds of things that peaked your interest.

"There's also gonna be multiple food trucks there," piped in Yunho, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "You can't say no to food!"

"I guess," You murmured before heaving a heavy sigh. "Fine, I'll go."

The entire room erupted in cheers, making you crack a smile. Jennie gave you a grateful grin before gathering everyone's attention to plan out the night ahead. You started to picture how it would go, and honestly it started to seem like it wasn't such a bad idea.

What could go wrong, right?


You and Jennie began to get ready when the sun started to set. Apparently it was best to visit the market at night since the place was decorated with lights. You settled on a simple pair of jeans with plain top and a long cardigan. It was going to be chilly, and if you were going to be walking around you wanted to be as comfortable as possible.

Jennie, on the other hand, wore a simple floral dress with a thin turtleneck underneath. It was a very minimal, but cute look. She twirled around, showing off her outfit to you. You chuckled when she wiggled her brows.

"Are you sure you don't want any more makeup?" she questioned, checking herself in the mirror and adding a touch of gloss as an afterthought.

You bit the inside of your cheek. "Nah, I'm good," You decided, satisfied with the mascara and gloss you already had on.

Once the two of you put on your shoes and grabbed your bags, you both headed downstairs where the rest were waiting.

"Are you guys ready?" You asked, looking around. Yunho and his girlfriend, Somin were sitting on Jennie's couch, while Mark was leaning against the wall. He put his phone away before looking up at you.

"Yup. The others said they'll meet us at the market," he stated.

To this, you couldn't help but wonder. Others?

Before you could question him, Jennie intervened. "Well,I guess we better get going then!" She ushered everyone to get up and follow her, leaving you to be the last.

You were in awe when you finally reached the market. It wasn't hard to spot. Like Jennie said, the place was lit up with numerous lights everywhere. People were bustling around, ranging from all ages; kids, teenagers, elderly couples. Little pop-up shops were lined up side-by-side all across the area. You could see salesmen pitching offers from their stores, trying to attract attention and possibly their next victims, or rather, customers.

"Let's wait over there," Yunho pointed to a little fountain area just outside the Market. "They said they'll be here in a few minutes."

The rest of us nodded before the girls all sat down on the curb while the boys spoke amongst themselves.

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