↳ lovesick

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A/N: Soundcloud users! (or youtube, whichever is convenient). If you're into K-chill type songs, listen to Violet by Kobel ft. ReidaNeon for this imagine!

It really helps set the mood ;)


You leaned out the window of the car, feeling the wind against your face as you peeked outside. Hundreds of trees zoomed past you as your sister pressed her foot against the gas.

"How much longer?" you asked.

"About half an hour," your sister replied. She glanced at you through the rear-view mirror with a small smile. "Don't worry, we're almost there."

You were well aware that your hair was flying wildly against the wind and that it was probably going to end up looking like a rooster's nest at the end of the ride. But you didn't care.

The only thing on your mind was seeing Jaemin again.

It's been months since you last saw your boyfriend— saying you missed him was an understatement.

You needed him.

These past few weeks at college have been the worst. The pressure and workload had left you exhausted, and soon you found yourself so occupied that you didn't even know how to feel. Everyday went by like a blur and you felt lifeless, waking up every single day just to repeat the same routine over and over again.

You desperately wanted nothing but the comfort of your boyfriend. You longed for his touch, his warmth, and his presence overall.

Jaemin was your anchor. Just being by his side made you feel a thousand times better. He made you feel secure.

Once you arrived  home, you willed yourself to get out the car and unpack your luggage. It was only winter break, which meant you wouldn't be staying in town for no longer than a week. But that was enough if it meant spending time with Jaemin again.

After settling down, you hugged your parents who were delighted to see you. You felt bad for cutting your reunion short, but they understood your relationship with Jaemin more than anyone else. You promised to come back as soon as possible. They knew he was important to you, smiling as they watched you run out the door.

Snow began to gently fall as your trudged your way along the sidewalk. You could see your breath as you exhaled, looking up at the sky that was now painted white. You were cold, but thinking about Jaemin caused a warm feeling to spread inside your chest.

Your heart was pounding against your chest as you neared his house. The excitement was burning inside you and you felt your emotions running wild.

The truth was that you lied to Jaemin about your arrival. He was under the impression that you wouldn't be back until the middle of the week, stating that you had to take care of a couple of things at college. Your real plan was to surprise him.

And you did.

You rang the doorbell, jumping up and down as the anticipation was killing you. You remember contacting Jaemin's parents just before you left college, asking them to make sure he opened the door himself. Jaemin had always been a careless fellow, so you knew he wouldn't check to see who you were when he did.

Sure enough, the door swung open, revealing Jaemin in nothing but a pair of pyjamas. His hand was still on the doorknob as his lips parted and his eyes widened. His hair was a mess as if he just got out of bed, giving him a rather boyish look.

Either way, it made your heart race at the sight of him.


The corner of your lips tugged up as you lunged forward, wrapping your arms around his waist. Jaemin took a couple of steps back, surprised at the sudden embrace. His hands quickly made their way around you, squeezing you closer as he buried his face in you hair.

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