Chapter three

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Ellie POV
I looked down at my watch suddenly wishing that I had the ability to skip time to 7 pm. Work wasn't particularly hard, it was mainly just handing out bowling shoes and assigning people to their alley, but boy it sure was tedious. Luckily I had a sweet new coworker.
Natalie was her name, she was super pretty and had long brown hair. Not only that but she was also great company to talk to whilst we waited for people to finish bowling and return their shoes.

Eventually, it was time. Jerry had come out and let us know that we were free to head home for the night which was a huge relief, I waved goodbye to my new friend Natalie, grabbed my bag and head out to call myself an Uber. 'Man I really need to get myself a car' I thought to myself as I unlocked my phone.

A few minutes later my Uber had arrived and I was headed over to mine to quickly freshen up before I left to go to Amys. During my Uber ride, I looked down at my phone, trying to avoid talking to the driver because whenever I said anything it always ended up into a huge awkward mess. As I looked at my phone, I was surprised to see that it was only 5:30 pm. 'Hmm' I thought to myself, 'Maybe Jerry let us off early then?'

-Timeskip until the awkward car journey is over-

Carefully, I slammed the Uber door shut and walked into my apartment complex and up to my compartment. I unlocked the door as quickly as I could and immediately changed into more of a 'casual but still made an effort' sort of look and reapplied my mascara. At last, I was ready to go to Amys. I went over to my kitchen counter where I had left my phone and picked it up to call myself another Uber.

Another awkward Uber ride later, I was finally there. Nervously, I walked over to the front door and rang the doorbell and waited. Inside I could hear a bunch of confused voices. Seconds later, the door widened and revealed to me a large kitchen and a man standing at a counter, holding a knife, blindfolded?

 Seconds later, the door widened and revealed to me a large kitchen and a man standing at a counter, holding a knife, blindfolded?

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(like this but without the phone. The world that this story is set in is not quarantined or coronavirus infected, so mark and Ethan can stab onions with each other in person again)

"errrrm." I stutter looking around extremely confused "did I come at a bad time?"
"Oh, Ellie! Sorry, we weren't expecting you yet!" Amy cheerfully explains.

'oh right' I think to myself, 'I'm 2 hours early'

"I'm so sorry for being early!" I quickly say,"would you like me to come back later?"
Suddenly the blindfolded man in the background lifts up his eye mask and looks at me.
"Oh hey! I thought I heard talking, would you like to just sit over there while we quickly finish this?" the blindfolded man says whilst pointing to a sofa "we shouldn't be too long now!"
I laugh and just nod, I entered the house and went over to the sofa, sat down and watched as the Amy walked back over to the camera to continue to filming whatever on earth blindfold guy was doing.

I try to just let then finish what they're doing and not pay much attention to what the guy with the blindfold was saying as he was saying some very random things but suddenly he randomly yelled "HEY ETHAN! HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO BE IN THE TOILET FOR?" a few moments later I heard a quiet, distant "I won't be long!" yelled through the corridor that looked like it linked all the rooms in this house together.

Nice dude | Ethan NestorWhere stories live. Discover now