Chapter four

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A picture of Spencer in case you somehow forgot what this precious lil boy face looks like^

Ethans POV

Today I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. It was already 8:30 am and I had snoozed my alarm four times. I gradually rolled out of bed and stumbled over to my bathroom to have a brisk shower and get ready before I had to leave and go to Marks to record another unus annus video.

Grabbing my towel, I dry myself as my mind begins to wonder about what we will be recording today. Some days, Mark gives me a rough idea of what we're going to do but most days I find out 5 minutes before it's happening. I quickly put on some simple clothes from my wardrobe, grab the split unus annus hoodie and brush my hair out of my eyes with my fingers.

Finally, I was ready to leave, I gather my bag and make sure I have my phone. "SPENCER!" I yell and almost immediately after I hear the quick patter of his feet on the wooden floor. "Are you ready to go see Chica and Henry?" I ask him as I put his leash on, leave the house and get into my car.

Whilst I'm driving to Marks, I get a message from Amy which my car reads out for me, "Hi Ethan! Hope you're ready for unus annus today, just letting you know that we are inviting a few friends over later after we've recorded so feel free to stay and hang out!"

I think to myself for a few minutes before replying. I send off a simple "Hey Amy! Thanks for letting me know I can defo stay and hang for a bit!" and then I carry on driving with Spencer happily sitting in the passenger seat, wagging his tail.

A few minutes of driving later, I finally get to Marks, pick up Spencer and walk inside. I say a quick hello to Amy and Mark, then I go let Spencer play with Henry and Chica outside. " I come in and Mark walks over and explains what we are going today for today's unus annus video, which is, cooking blindfolded? Well, Mark was going to be the blindfolded one I was going to just be guiding him.

After recording for a few minutes, I really had to pee. I looked at Mark and yelled "I need to PEEEEEE!" whilst pulling a funny face which made him laugh. "Well go to the toilet then you idiot" he chuckled as I ran off to the bathroom.

While I was in the toilet washing my hand, I heard someone knock on the doors and Henry bark at whoever was there. I didn't think much about it, dried my hands and went to scamper back over to the kitchen where we were recording.

As I walk back into the main room of Marks house, I look around and see a girl sitting on the couch. She had her hair in two plaits and she seemed sweet. Suddenly, she noticed me looking so I quickly looked away and paid my attention back to making sure Mark didn't chop his own finger off.

Eventually, we finished the video and began to clear up whilst Amy went and said hi to the girl on the sofa. They seemed like they already knew each other so I assumed they were already friends. Mark and I continued to clean up all the onion that was on the floor as they talked. I tried to clear up as quick as I could so I could introduce myself to the girl.

Once the floor was clean, Mark and I walked over to the couch and said hello to the girl who had been sitting there who I quickly learnt was Ellie. I let Mark introduce himself and then shortly after, I muttered a polite, "Hello Ellie! My names Ethan! I also make YouTube videos I guess" and pulled her into a hug.

Before we could continue to chat a bit more, Amy asked if we would all want a pizza which was a dumb question as the answer was an obvious: YES! With that definitive answer, Amy hurried off to go order us all pizzas.

Both Mark and I then sat down next to Ellie. She seemed really sweet and she was already very beautiful so I was dying to get to know her more. We all chatted for a bit as a group and without minutes we explained to Ellie that Amy and Mark were dating and that I was just friends with them both (she thought we were just 2 random guys in Amy's house) and that I was single.

A few minutes of chatting later Mark said something horrific. He thought that pineapples didn't belong in Pizzas. Me and Ellie were both equally outraged by such a bold and clearly false statement. Quickly Ellie defended the innocent pizzas by asking a simple question;

"What do you mean pizzas don't belong on Pizza? She asked Mark.
"ITS FRUIT! WHO WOULD WANT A SAD SOGGY PIECE OF FRUIT ON THEIR PIZZA?" Mark shot back. This man was about to get roasted.
"Hey hey slow down there pal," I told Mark eagerly "One of the main ingredients for pizza is tomato puree, tomatoes are fruit right? How do you explain that!"
"YEAH BUT TOMATOES TASTE NIC-" Mark tried to justify but it was too late. Me and Ellie had already won. We both looked at each other and high five and chuckled.

Suddenly, there was a loud bark and I instantly jumped and freaked out. "What was that?" I nervously asked, trying not to act as terrified as I felt. I looked around and my eyes noticed the door to the basement in the corner. "Did the noise come from your basement Mark? I told you this place was haunted!" I mumbled.

Mark let out a hefty sigh, stood up, and walked over to the back door that leads to his Garden. "Ethan we accidentally shut the door on the pups and left them outside you goof!" He explained and we all laughed.

Opening the door, we all watched as Henry, Chica, and spencer came strolling in. I excitedly stood up, loudly called "SPENCER C'MERE!" and watched as he excitedly ran over. I looked over and saw Ellie watching me cuddle spencer. "Meet spencer, Ellie!" , I said as I picked Spencer up and placed him in Ellie's lap. "Don't worry he doesn't bite!" I reassured her as she stared at him and gave him a gentle pat. Spencer seemed very happy and content sitting on Ellie's lap.
"He seems to like you!" I added while Spencer rolled over and Ellie rubbed his belly.

"I like him too, he's so sweet! How old is he?"
She asked as she continued to scratch Spencer's belly.
"He's 14 months old! I've had him since he was just a small lil pup!" I answered,
"Aw, that's so cute! Weren't there two other dogs?"
"Yeah, there are! They're Amy and Marks!" I began to explain to her, "The lighter one with the pointy ears is called chica and the smaller, slightly darker one with floppier ears is Henry! Henry's a bit shy but Chica will totally come and say hi!"

Almost immediately after I said that, Chica came wandering in with Henry trailing behind and a few seconds later, Mark and Amy also came in whilst holding pizzas.
"Pizzas here!" Amy announced and we all leaned in and grabbed a slice. Ellie and I both leaned in and grabbed a slice of pineapple pizza and sat next to each other as we all chatted together and watched all the dogs chase each other around the house.

Ellie kept randomly smiling and man it was so beautiful and contagious I just had to smile as well. "I really hope we can be friends' I thought to myself 'she seems like a nice girl.

Hi guys! Sorry, this took me so long to write! Apparently, it's hard to really write 1300+ word chapters. I hope you all have a good day :)

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