Chapter 14-bitter sweet goodbye...

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"You look happy" my dad said

"What happened to your hand?" I then remembered my hand was still dripping with blood.

I ran to the kitchen sink and washed my cut.

"Care to explain?" My dad followed me,leaning on the counter

"Me and my friends..made a blood oath" I not one to lie to my dad,weve got a
pretty strong bond.

"For what?" He asked,confused.

"That well..eventually come back and meet again" i smiled.this time i lied but only because hed never believe that we killed a demonic clown.

After dinner i began to washup when there was a knock on the door.

"Hold on" i shouted at whoever it was as i dried my hands.

"Hel-" i said opening it when i stoped.

It was Bev.

"BEV" i shouted,quickly hugging her.

"Im gunna miss you" tears slipped through as i squeezed them shut.

"I told myself not to cry" i fanned my face while giggling.

"Well im going at 10 so weve got a good hour to talk" she said as i dragged her up to my room.

I told her about Bill and everything i need to get off my not the type of person to open up to a group of boys i only met just over 6 weeks ago.i need to get everything out before not seeing my bestfriend in a long time.

"Bev your taxis here" my dad poked his head in the door informing her she needs to leave to be in portland sooner.

"PLEASE DONT GO" i cried out,grabbing her asif its the last time i was going to see her.

"I promse ill see you again soon okay?" She hugged me back.she grabbed her bag and dragged it to the boot.

"You pinky promise?" I stuck out my pinky,knowing she cant break a pink promise

"Pink promise" she smiled before hugging me one more time.

Litte did i know this would be the last time id talk to her face to face in 27 years...

You and I... ~Bill Denbrough x reader~Where stories live. Discover now