The Market

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A/N: Well I don't really know what this is, but enjoy. Also, I couldn't find any references to a definitive Asgardian currency, but if you know what it is, please let me know so that I can make this one shot more accurate. Thank you!

Excitement flowed through you as you mounted your horse outside of your small home. You lived on the outskirts of Asgard and rarely got to go into town, but today was a special occasion. You had decided to go to the town market to look around which you always loved doing, but seeing as you did not make very much money, you did not get to splurge often. Therefore, there was never much purpose in tempting yourself by going to the market. However, today was one of the few days you allowed yourself to take a little adventure to the market and take the little spare money you had to spend on frivolous pretty things.

On this crisp morning, you had rolled out of bed incredibly early and put on a nice dress under your gray, fur lined, hooded cloak. You had no reason to dress nice, but when you were this excited for an activity, you wanted to look your best. Your beautiful h/c hair was done into a nice braided updo that was bound with a green vine that only accented your elegant hair color. While your outfit wasn't formal by most Asgardian standards, it was formal for you.

Now you were finally ready and climbing onto your beautiful white horse's back. The cool early morning breeze blew over your skin and through your hair. You relaxed when you breathed in the sweet fresh air. It felt like a promising day. You pulled the hood of your cloak up to where it rested snugly on your head. You then gently kicked your boot against the side of your horse causing him to let out a huff and begin the journey into town.

It would be about twenty minutes before you began to see signs of the city. Since most of Asgard lived in the city, which had become quite accustomed to having its citizens walk everywhere, horses were a rare sight once you got into town. This always drew some unwanted attention, but you didn't mind too much.

You had always loved how Asgard had managed to combine old and new architecture in such a beautiful way. While the more noticeable buildings like the palace and the dining hall where the banquets were held were quite showy and somewhat futuristic looking with their sharp shapes and golden finishes, there were other parts of the city that were so beautifully old fashioned and sometimes even primitive. The market was an example of one of the less showy places. It was merely a designated street on a grassy hill where vendors would set up booths. Hundreds of booths. They also sold anything you could imagine. From food, to handwritten books, to unique furniture. They had it all. As a result, the market attracted all walks of life. Warriors and servants and blacksmiths and healers and farmers. Everyone. Maybe that's why you liked it. They had everything and everyone. A welcome change from your isolated home.

You went to the edge of the market and found a safe place to tie your horse up before you dove into all the new and old merchants. Some of whom you knew from many years of coming here, and some of whom you'd never seen. One in particular caught your eye. There was a new vendor, one you hadn't seen ever before, in a tent near the edge of the market. It was a jewelry emporium of sorts. It was fairly empty, having only one customer standing in the tent. They had many kinds of bracelets and brooches and beads. Every color imaginable. Every kind of gem. But there was one. It sat on a small pedestal and was seated just right so that the cool sunlight of the fall morning shined on it.

The chain was somewhat tarnished silver, but the pendant was so stunning, it didn't matter. Silver filigree wrapped around a beautiful, blue-green, teardrop pendant that had a magnificent shine on it. You could see your own astonished face looking back at you on the pendant's reflective surface. It was just beautiful.

"The green labradorite. You are a girl of good taste." You turned to see an older woman sitting behind a table at the back of the booth. You assumed she was the owner of this business. "It's beautiful. Might I ask your price for it," you asked kindly. "That little gem'll be a hundred." Your face fell. You only had a little over half that much. You sighed and excepted it was just too much for you. "Thank you, miss. I don't think I'll get it today, but-"

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