Val's Room

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A/N: Hello! I'm back! It's been a while since I updated this, but I finally took the time to sit down and write something. This was better in my head, but I'm working on some other new one shots that I think are better so thanks for bearing with me until I can post those. Sorry for the little hiatus and I hope you enjoy this!

It was a very plain and boring day on Sakaar. You were beginning to tire of the monotonous life of a scrapper. Sure, being one and living in Sakaar seemed appealing at first, but as it turned out, it was just as boring as anything else. You got up, scavenged for lost souls among all the garbage of Sakaar, and if you were lucky you found someone valuable and got paid. At night, Sakaar was full of parties and being a scrapper got you invited to some of the more lavish ones. This would've been great if you had liked parties, but that wasn't the case. Your life as a scrapper had one constant upside. Your best friend, Brunhilde, was always there for you and never ceased to make you laugh. On a day like today, you really needed it. The champion had been stolen, so the Grandmaster was undoubtedly upset, and because of all the celebrating going on outside, you couldn't even leave your building.

You needed a pick-me-up and you were sure Brun would have one for you. You quietly left your apartment of sorts and walked down the hall to Brun's. She'd programmed the door to recognize you so that you could come and go as you pleased. When you walked up to the door, it simply opened without you having to knock. When it did, you saw a very strange sight.

Brunhilde was on the ground next to a semi-conscious man and she was wrapping him in chains. Brun heard the door and looked behind her to find you puzzled and staring at her. You giggled and began to turn back around. "Don't let me stop you. I'll leave you two alone." Brun threw up her hands and began laughing. "No, no, no. It's not like that. Come in, hurry. I could actually use your help for this little problem," she said, gesturing to the man who was almost fully conscious now and was beginning to struggle in his chains.

"As fun as this looks, I'm pretty sure this is a crime, Brun," you scoffed. Brunhilde rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You and I both know that nothing is a crime on Sakaar. We enslave people for a living. I'm pretty sure we won't get in trouble for this." You shrugged, realizing she was right. "Besides," she continued. "He's a real douche anyway." The man made a muffled noise through the muzzle that Brun had put on his face. "Oh what's that, Laki? Sorry, I can't hear you," Brun said sarcastically as she grabbed a bottle of whatever liquor was her favorite these days. That changed every week.

You laughed at Brun's remark and then looked down at her prisoner. He was now looking up at you from his spot on the floor. The two of you exchanged a glance and then you turned away quickly. You knew he must have been pretty rude for Brun to go through all the effort of tying him up and dragging him to her apartment, but he didn't look the part. His beautiful eyes and gorgeous features did not tell the story of a jerk. Or at least not the stereotypical jerk.

You turned back to Brun, who was picking up her things. "Where are you going," you asked, puzzled. "Out," said Brun. You rolled your eyes, but Brun continued without a thought. "That's where I need your help. I'll only be a moment. Finding those two numbskulls should be easy. I mean one of them is a seven and a half foot tall green beast so I can't imagine it will be hard." You didn't ask questions about what Brun was rambling about. You knew she wouldn't have explained if you'd asked. You threw your hands up to cut her off. "That's all great, my friend, but I fail to see how this involves me."

Brun took another swig of the drink in her hand and continued. "All I need is a babysitter. I won't be gone long. It's just that I trust this one about as far as I can throw him, which I did by the way. He might have some bruises when he wakes up tomorrow," said Brun, sounding very proud of herself. Loki shook his head and rolled his eyes. You laughed again. "That's great, Brun, but I'll have to pass. I don't want to get wrapped up in whatever you're doing when I don't even know what it is."

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