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I was so excited. The new ROBLOX game was out! Of course there's already a ROBLOX game but the developers decided to upgrade it. They built a special machine that creates special effects and it can apparently look as if you were actually in the game.

I run to the store where they were selling it to see a massive line, damnit. I wait almost up to seven hours before I'm the first in line. I purchase my game and head off.

Walking home is going to be hard since my mom had to work and also alot of people want this game so I might get mugged. So I walk quickly, but carefully so I don't drop my game.

I see my house in the distance, but I hear something. It sound like a whisper, and it was calling my name out. Amal! Amal! I turn quickly but theres nothing behind me.

I get home and run upstairs, there's no way I'm missing out on the fun. I set down my game and get out the instructions, it's in german. Oh my god.

After spending literally two hours translating the whole instruction manual, I manage to get the game set up. The screen lights up and a sign up page is on. Username: AmalLlama because my name is Amal and I LOVE Llamas. I write down my password, email and birthdate on the sign up sheet. I agree to the terms and conditions without reading it because.. well.. no one reads it.

A button appears saying Are You Ready? Oh yeah I'm ready. I press the button.. and everything goes dark. Not just the screen but my whole room, I look over to my window, it's dark outside. How is that possible? It's 3:00pm. Suddenly rays of purple light shoot from the screen and hits me. It hurts a little but no so much. I find myself floating in the air with the rays following me.

Now I'm scared. I try to shake free and the rays of light get brighter and whiter, making it impossible to see anything. So I close my eyes and cover my face. And now everything is quiet.

I still stay, eyes closed and face covered, but I have to see what happened. I slowly hncover my face, and I see... a block. Just the ones on Roblox. I'M IN THE GAME!!

I stand up quickly and run over to the block. I spot another one, which is red, and another, blue this time. I see a whole bunch of blocks in different colours and shapes. I must be in a building game. I feel something in my pocket, it's a little tablet. Weird, I didn't have one in my pocket.

It shows building tools. Wait, this must be where the tools are kept. I see things like BUILD and DELETE and COPY. This. Is. Amazing!

I start building and end up making a giant version of myself. This fun did not last for long as I spot something in the distance. A light. Maybe someone else has joined. In the light, I see a figure come out, it must be a person, but the closer it came, I realised it wasn't a person. It looks.. demonic. Red hair and red eyes, pale face. Ripped clothes with what looks like blood on the shoulders. And the legs, oh the legs are the worst. Part of the skin on the legs looked like it was chopped off and I can see the bones.

It growled at me and got ready to run towards me, my feet are glued to the ground. I can't move.

Suddenly a hand grabs mine and pulls me away, I turn to see someone dragging me away. I try to break free but their grip is too strong. "Hey! Get off of me!" I shout while trying to shake them off. "Sorry, you gotta keep safe.

This boy, who looks a little taller than me with long brown hair, was still dragging me towards what looksd like car. He unlocks the door quickly and pushes me in the car. "I swear, what is going on? I will sue y-" A hand goes over my mouth, a girl holding me covers my mouth to stop me frim talking but they aren't getting sucessful. I grab her hand and yank it away and I get away from her.

"What is this? I'm gonna report you all!" I shout towards the kids. "Sweetie, reporting won't help, even in this situation." The girl says. She tries to sound calm but I'm still panicking. The car is still going.

The boy who was dragging me earlier turns to me. "Sorry about that back there, my name is Jard." He extends his hand for me to shake, I glare at him and turn away. The girl's sitting on the other side of me of course. "I'm Bea! And I'm really nice." She says with a big smile.

"Then why did you kidnap me?" I say, rudely. The boy, Jard, turns me towards him. "We didn't kidnap you, we saved you. We're i-" He tries to say. "YOU DRAGGED ME AND PUSHED ME INTO YOUR CAR! HOW IS THAT NOT KIDNAPPING?"

Bea, her name was, turns me towards her. "Hey, we're all in danger and I mean fatal. And we wanted to help you because.. well.. us kids gotta stuck together." She tries to smile, earning a rude stare by me. "So, what's your name?" She tries to gently take away my tablet where my name and other stuff are located. I snatch it off her. "None of your business."

"Well, girl with no name. We'll be taking you back to our camp, it's pretty safe and no one will hurt us." I want to say something but these two look like they want to help so I just stay quiet. Jard is still driving us while Bea is looking down on her tablet, which looks a bit beat up. Wonder what happened?

"My name's Amal." I say without warning. Both Jard and Bea look at me, giving a small smile. I look down without looking up once for the rest of the car trip. All three of us stay silent.

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