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"What do I need to know?" I turn quickly to see Amal standing at the doorway. "Amal, it's nothing. Please go back to the main room." I say, calmly.

"No! What's going on? Why can't I log out and return to reality? Because this is not real life, I'm sure." Amal says quickly. "Look! We'll tell you later now you just have t-" I start shouting but Bea interrupts me.

"JAKE! SHE HAS TO KNOW! SHE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW." I back away and let Bea explain the situation to Amal.

"This game, was created by the Roblox developers. B-but while everyone was so excited with this new game and what it can do, the developers were planning something. Something bad. And it has to do with the group of us. They were planning to choose a group of kids to.. well, fight in a battle. We don't know who against but we can guess, it's real."

Amal stands there, mouth open wide, while Bea turns to me and I glare at her. I walk to Amal who looks like she's about to cry. "A-am I g-go-nna die?" She says choking on her tears. I look at her but don't say anything. "Bri? Can you take Amal to her room please?" I call over to Bri who is in the other room and she takes Amal away.

"Now look what you did." I say harsly to Bea. "Again, she had to know. I felt bad that she didn't know what she's getting herself into." I walk away before saying "You always have to do this, don't you?" I leave Bea in the kitchen.

ROBLOXia Trouble - A Tech MessWhere stories live. Discover now