Whispers in the Wind

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Whispers In The Wind call your name, so quiet you can scarcely hear it. I try to ignore them, but every subtle rustling of leaves has me thinking of you. At night when I'm home alone and hidden from the wind, it is in the settling of the house that I hear your name. The echoed creaks and groans revive times when you danced in these very halls. I try to ignore them. In the morning, the sunlight cascading on to the empty space of my bed screams out your name. I tried to ignore it, but the blanket wrapped tightly around my body sends me back to your embrace. In the afternoon, the ticking of the clock is speaking your name over and over like a mantra. I tried to ignore it, but soon The tick of the clock changes to the tick of your heart; a sound which I have memorized, etched into the very walls of my own heart. In the evening when I'm driving home from work, the car horns burst out your name, silencing themselves when they're satisfied I heard them. I try to ignore it. I try to ignore the constant mentioning of you

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