Chapter 3

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Paris was worried that she was lost and Raven almost stared at her as it was trying to help her mission since it spies on her family dinner last night.

Paris then saw her city as she said to the Raven that she actually lived in Kansas City in Missouri, she looked at her clock as it says 1:00 am then talked to Blaze "It's a new hour o the day, I also thought that 12:00 is a new day" then she saw a cave as she puts all of 9 steaks near the rocks but then the bears came to attack her but she was covered in a green soul of her chest as raven holds her head after she almost screams that she was running like she was held on.

She was then angry at the Raven as she thought that it was treating the protagonist like a little girl. 

She then tickles the Raven's feet from its losing feathers. It flies through green rings to get back into Paris' Truck as it drives the ruck really fast after Paris was tightened her seatbelt fast. While the coyotes chase them she then gave almost the entire meat by speed driving accident. They drove to fly around an ocean between California and Hawaii as fast as in 1 state per second but then she then threw the shrimps to feed the Sea Otters then she saw a gliding cloud as she then drove as she was scared until they landed back to Kansas Missouri.

She then gave the meat to the Dogs and Cats on the street then she drove back home as she slept until Lucas shook her hands at 10:00 to get ready for school. As he opened the blanket, he then saw a green dress as mentioned to Paris did dress up like a princess with her new emerald earrings.

She then looked into a mirror and then she ate a small sandwich and wore her shoes to school because she didn't have enough time, she drove her car and came to school, late as she was using her note but then the news saw a rumor about her saved the animals from hunger.

She then talked to the principal to show a green glowing raven, currently, it was staring at a black pencil as the Principal Mrs. Ozzy Oggina as she puts her signature that she accepts the project of Paris' assemble until it screams as it splats on its face turning purple and went crazy then Paris holds it tight as she rushed to the staff's bathroom with Mrs. Ozzy's permission with a pass on it.

The raven glows back to green and the green spirit then flows around the whole school area. It feels the same condition and then hugged Blaze and Paris but she then puts the raven in the bag as she puts a lost photo of a Raven bird is colored green. She also went to the animal shelter instead of the vet but clumsy things made her vehicle fly as she then placed the Raven inside the bag, changed her clothes to her green normal outfit as she wore when she was 2.

She rushed the raven In a box to the Animal Shelter with a Vet Dr. Marty September as she examined that there is a medicine for her migraine, Dr. September then picked up the raven's feather and it has no gender, no name more any origin also. He said that it must be created by a wasp and they wanted to take over the universe and increase the pandemic very soon called the Migraine Thought pandemic where people can't prevent it.

Paris then realized that she is the part of the LGBT as Dr. September falls in love and Paris says that she was a lesbian then she also was worried about the pandemic as she thought that everyone will go crazy. She then took the feather and asked to keep it until further notice.

She went to the boys at night time and she discussed how the raven got there and there was no trace of it.

The Boys also saw wasps army that arrested only the four children and Blaze, there are 9 Wasp Army like Swat-Troopers called the WaspRoach. 1/3 of the 9 are Transgender name Soowat, Swawk, and Sweat waiting outside the house. 

Other 1/3 are Non-Binary name Swonit, Zwart, and Squad currently taking notifies with Jake and Jane to offer a meeting about the Raven as they didn't realize it and only saw once while going shopping near their kids' school.

And the other 1/3 are Intersex named Swamp, Swat and Swap getting the kids arrested with their hands behind their back as Lucas got mad as he yelled: "My parents will get mad and you will never get away with our house trickster". They put out a Do Not Cross Sign, one of them says that they will appear in the past but Swat jokingly says it but it will place the kids to appear in the current mission about the environmental harming place to fix the destructive reputation.

Billy felt a little nervous about the Cockroach-like helicopter. They went to a lonely tree near the Middle East Sea.

Billy then tried not to be thinking about hurting as his thoughts were mixed about if he will defend the Armies or let them do their job, he then kept silent during the cell time.

Billy, Christo, Lucas, Jill, and Jane were locked into their own cells inside SWAT Lock. Lucas then taught his family how to escape except Paris was missing as Lucas didn't have anything to use since all of their items were being confiscated.

He then tells a story of how a prisoner can escape this unbearable situation. He told that all prisoners but one could survive in his imagination about the use of fire to trick all the cops into thinking that there is fire and soon they could get out, and he also educates them on the Middle East War and their use of Pollution Reduction in Africa.

The Green Raven has yet escaped from the cell and saw the family, Christo then examined it for the final time and a Genderless Raven has yet told that Paris was being in a dungeon by one Wasproach named Swat by its own hand using his own fingers to explain.

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