We sit down and hop right into the conversations. It seems the Candys' are here until after the holidays and then they are splitting. As are the Slender beings. I spin a spoon with my fingers as the people talk around me. I study the Slender brothers.
Slender sits at the head of the table. A refined jackass, who is done with everyone's shit. Favors Sally who calls him Daddy and Lazari who calls him Father. Hunts in the forest. Very antisocial.
Trender, who sits to Slender's left. A classy rude ass. He enjoys art and fashion. He seems to act like he is better than everyone and, well, gay. He favors Jane and seems to tolerate me. Plus he has a huge stash of clothes. BEN says he tears out people's hearts and is often in cities. He hates crocs.
Tender sits next to Trender. He is the younger twin who can not speak. He is a quiet ass. He likes cleaning and cooking. He is kinda like the Mama of his family. He enjoys shiny things and books. He speaks through variations of sign languages. He seems to be very calm but snaps when he is feeling bombarded. He hates messes.
Then next to Tender is Masque. He is older than Trender and a literal Classy Ass. He is married and lives in Romania. He goes to various parties and kinda kills there. He offers a dance (women usually being his prey) and dances with them putting a spell on them. He then kills them. Jeff said he has like twenty tongues and only one eye. He isn't one for the new generations. He is stuck in the past.
Then to Slender's right we have Splendor. The baby, the oddly kind ass. He is probably the tallest though. He is very lanky and sweet. Jane says that he snaps though and can probably be the scariest of them all. He enjoys anything that is happy and colorful. He is also protective of his family. He favors everyone honestly.
Then next to Splendor is Offender, the second eldest. He is a literal rapist ass. He literally has sex with people in a deal of a rose. Creepy right? Jill told me that he is super flirtatious and has anger issues. Probably best to ignore him. Yet he seems to be so exciting to me. He seems to flirt with everyone but the guys enjoy him more than the females.
"So only Masque is married?" I question to the general public.
"Why you wanna marry one of them?" Puppeteer teases. BEN starts the wedding music with a fake trumpet.
"Why do you ask?" Jane sighs getting irritated at the people across from us.
"So I know which ones I can ship with." Some people groan around me. "What?"
I shrug.
"The mansions mayhem maker." BEN snickers.
"The mansions misfortune maker." Jeff jokes.
"Ha ha guys. Stop."
"MANSIONS MISCHIEF MAKER!" Dark wheezes as if it is the funniest thing.
"Oh yeah!?" I shout and stand up.
"Yeah! What ya gonna do!" Jeff stands with his buddies.
I feel my finger tips tingle. I ignore it and grab the pasta and throw it in Jeff's face. BEN and Dark cackle and everyone else seems to laugh too. He glares at me from across the table.
I ignore Slender and smile evilly at Jeff who throws the noodles back at me. It misses and hits Jane. She stands up angry and lunges across the table at Jeff. Someone, I think LJ announced a food fight. Food flies everywhere and
Toby throws a pie and it hits Slender in the face. I wheeze until carrots hit my back then. I laugh harder. It felt like a bunch of finger poking me.
Masky and Toby are rolling in the ham trying to suffocate the other.
L.J. and Jason throw candy at each other. Nina and Jill team up against Puppeteer and dump what looks like Koolaid on his head. They have potatoes in their hair. Jane and Jeff brawl on the floor. BEN and Dark tag team against me and the Candys'. We are all in it for light hearted fun. Hoodie appears with yams and throws it like snow balls.
Bloody Painter and Judge Angel's happily fling food at each other. EJ throws condenments at people. He knocked out Clockwork. Lazari and Sally throw peas at each other. Trender is mad and tackles Hoodie for the Yams. Splendor laughs giddily and flicks spoon full of beans at Masque who seems to snap and lunge across the table at his brother. Tender cleans up the plates totally clean and Offender drinks watching everyone with a sadistic grin. I grab a wine bottle and slide under the table. I hop over Jane and Jeff fighting. Liu tackles BEN and Dark onto the table.
I slide past a few people and I don't know why but I pour the bottle of wine on Offenderman's head. He freezes and I curl my lips in, amused. He turns around his hat dripping red wine.
"Sorry gotta live every moment to it's fullest." I smile and sprint away I scream and slide on potatoes hitting the wall.
I open my eyes to see Jane, Pop, Cane, Toby and Splendor. I blink a little bit and smile.
"Who won?"
"Not you." Cane giggles.
"You fell and slid into the wall. It was fricken hilarious." Jane laughs and as does everyone else.
"Help me up."
I hold up my hands and they pull me up. I rub my head and my face drops when I see the mess of the dining room. I see Slender in a new clean tux. I smile sheepishly at him.
"You will be cleaning this all up."
"What!? I didn't do all of this!"
"No but you started it."
"Actually L.J. started it."
Slender places a bucket and a sponge on the table. Everyone seems to walk away pretending they have an engagement. I stand at the end of the table, alone surrounded by the mess that I supposedly had created.
Slender Mansion's Mischeif Maker
FanficAtarah is the Princess of the Fae kingdom and has decided to join a foreign exchange project. She is Twenty-Three years old and done with living as royalty. As she is friends with a lovely girl named Jane and a boy named Jeff they offer her a room...