Chapter 13 :

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A/N : I know I made you guys confused at the last chapter, but this story will going to end soon.


"Finally it's just the two of us.. " Seung Wan announced excitedly while she and Joohyun settled back on their favorite spot.

"How are you so sure? there's still some people at the other side"

"I know, but they're quite far from us isn't it?, especially there's no Seulgi, Joy and Yeri who will disturb us.. "

"You're mean..they're our friends.."

"But I want to be alone with you too.. " Seung Wan pouted making Joohyun giggled.

"ah seriously! why are you so cute?! " Joohyun pinches Wendy's cheeks lightly while giving the pouty lips with a brief kiss, making the latter smiled.

"No more sorry okay? let's enjoy this, just the two of us..." Joohyun nodded and smiled.

They just keep chatting to each other, sitting at the sand, shoulders bumping from time to time, as they talk about their happy moments together when they're still young.

"It's such a waste not to see the beautiful sunset here again, I misses watching it with you.."

"Then let's watch it again together.. "

"I would love to but.. " Joohyun saw the hint of sadness in Wendy's face, so she did what she knows will bring back a happy smile in the latter's lips.

She scooted closer, holding Wendy's hand and raising it to the direction of the sun.

"There is the sun, it's now slowly hiding behind the clouds, the sky now turned warm orange as the sun is about to set... "

Wendy tried to imagined it just like the last time she saw it.

"The view is so romantic, it's warm and inviting.. "

Wendy smiled while trying to look up at the direction of the sun.

"It's beautiful.. " Wendy said like she's seeing the view in front of her, while Joohyun's eyes remained at her instead, smiling from ear to ear.

"But I'm seeing even more beautiful than that.. "

"really? where? "

Joohyun grins as she wraps her arms around Seung Wan's waist, chin resting on the latter's shoulder.

"you.. " she said softly.

"Yah! that's so cheesy.. " Seung Wan grimaced teasingly though she couldn't hide the red coloring her cheeks.

"but you're blushing.. so you liked it.. "  Joohyun teases, but Seung Wan locked her close in her arms, burying Joohyun's face on her chest.

Joohyun giggled while she relax on Seung Wan's arms looking up to stare at the latter's smiling face.

"For now, I will remained to be your eyes, anything you want to see, I will tell you what it looks like.. "

"So can you describe to me how you looks like?"

"didn't you say before that you think I'm pretty? well, you actually got it right" Joohyun said confidently.

"did I tell you that? I can't remember.. " Seung Wan teases.

"ah seriously, you've been touching my face everytime and you still can't tell? "

"maybe I should do this.. "

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