Chapter 14 :

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"I'm Kim Sohee, I just stumbled on a post that you guys are looking for an eye donor?.. "

"Told you guys, posting it online would be a great help.. " Yeri boasted.

"Not too early, we still need to verify it to the hospital, we can't just ask for anyone's corneas.. "

"Joy is right, anyway Ms. Kim Sohee if it's okay to ask, why did you decided to donate? you seemed healthy though.. " Seulgi speaks while Wendy and Joohyun was both listening and observing.

"actually it's not me, but my fiancé "

"Your fiancé? "

The woman casually nodded and looks down.

"He died recently, a day before our wedding.. " she said solemnly and slowly stared at Seung Wan's direction.

"It was his wish to donate his eyes to someone who would need it, the one who deserves to have it.. " she slowly said the words as if she wanted to point something out.

"That's too unfortunate.. " Seulgi commented. The woman looks back at Seulgi and the latter noticed a hint of familiarity.

Why she looks so familiar to me? have I seen her before?..

She said into her mind but she ended shrugging it.

"Do we have to go now in the hospital? " Seung Wan asked obviously eager to make things happen.

Joohyun looks back at her with a smile, intertwining their fingers together.

"Actually we still have to talk with his parents, I'm just here to confirm it so I could bring you to them, usually hospitals do not disclose informations about the donor and recipient, but like me, I believe we need to know first if the recipient is truly deserving to have my fiance's eyes, and I guess you truly are Ms. Son.. " She stared at Seung Wan with unreadable expression, but no one really notice it.

"Then shall we? I'm pretty sure they would agree immediately...because Seung Wan, she have suffered a lot and I believe having her eyesight back will make her truly happy.. " Joohyun said while holding Seung Wan's hand determined.

"Joohyun.. " Seung Wan blurted out with a smile, cheered by Joohyun's determination.

"Then we may go before it gets dark.. "

"Wait, aren't we going too? " Yeri asked while looking at the others.

The woman suddenly stopped as she looks down, fingers suddenly became fidgety.

"I think it would be better if it's only the recipient and one guardian.. " she still answered eventually.

"but why?.. "

"it's okay Yeri~ah...Joohyun will going to accompany me, just stay here in the bakery, Seulgi you're going to supervise.. "

"Ahm.. o-okay.. "

And the other three girls were left that afternoon in the bakery while Seung Wan and Joohyun followed Sohee inside her car.


Sohee told them that they must reach her in laws house before it gets dark, but it's already night time but they haven't reach the place.

"is it still far? " Joohyun had asked trying to look around where they was.

"We're about to be there.. " the woman in the driver seat simply answered but Seung Wan was starting to be suspicious.

She's blind but her other senses was sensitive and she could tell that the woman was nervous, her fingers keeps on tapping the steering wheel, fingers trembling by each tap.

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