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Elle sighs as she drums her fingers on the wooden table, her gaze moving from left to right and vice versa as she looks at the passerbys. Internally groaning as she still hasn't seen her little sister - who was apparently late for their date.
She was outside a local convenience store, a few blocks away from Van's workplace. The small establishment had a few tables situated outside in case customers wanted to dine in.
She dared not to wait inside because she knew, she'd overspend again to buy foods to fill her stomach while waiting for her baby sister to show up.
She stops drumming to fish out her phone, checking the last message her little sister sent which was half an hour ago.
Her eyes squinting as she thought hard, what if something had happened? Oh God, no. She felt bile rising up but she chose to shake her head slightly as she dials Van's number almost immediately.
She bits her lip as she waits for her to pick up. Her anxiety, begins to worsen as the worst case scenario to happen to her sister began to spiral in her head.
"Unnie!" Someone calls from a distance.
Elle immediately turns her head to where the voice came from, almost dropping her phone as the sight of her lovely sister - who was madly running so fast towards the elder as if her life depended on it - came to view.
"Van!" Elle shouts, placing her phone down before pulling her sister in a tight hug when she was finally close. "What the hell happened boo? You took ages to arrive! I was dying here!" The older female begins to rant on before loosening her grip on the younger in order to squish Van's cheeks while glaring at her.
"Ivmsorvy -" Van musters to say despite having her cheeks squished by the elder. Her face feigning a faint blush from the intimidating stare Elle was giving her.
Elle composes herself, releasing her hold on the younger's face before flicking her forehead as she was annoyed (but mostly worried) for Van.
Van releases a soft yelp as she rubs her forehead, pouting.
Elle couldn't help herself but roll her eyes and then lean down to kiss Van's forehead and then her two reddening cheeks as she held both Van's wrists.
"So what happened? I couldn't reach you." Elle asks.
Van replies an awkward laugh before rubbing her nape as Elle releases both her wrists so she could cross her arms over her chest while waiting for the younger to speak up.