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"Unnie! Where are you?" Nina utters as she held onto her mobile phone, waiting for the elder to reply in the other line.
"Turn to your right, love." Elle says in the other line, which the younger obliged.
Nina searches the semi—crowded area until her eyes landed on her unnie who was holding her phone up to her ear with one arm as the other was up in the air, waving and signalling her to come over.
The younger runs toward the elder enthusiastically after ending their call. Elle just giggles at Nina before engulfing her in a big hug while slowly craddling her.
"The bus ride was longer than expected. I'm sorry." Nina admits as she gets comfortable with her unnie's hug.
"It's fine boo. I didn't mind the wait." Elle cooes as the younger before leaving a kiss on top of Nina's head — since she was taller than her. "Now come, we have a long day ahead of us." She says happily as she intertwined her hand with the younger's as they strolled around the mall.
"What do you have planned though?" Nina asks as she faced her unnie, eyes brimming with excitement as they continued to walk around the mall.
"Just you wait and see, love." Elle winks before smirking. Leading the younger towards the north wing of the mall. "Let's go and shop, yeah?" She suggests. Nina was about to decline as she didn't want her unnie to overspend for her but then the elder only hushed her as she led her to a boutique shop.
"Dang ma." Nina says softly, as she stared wide eyed at the clothes hung on the racks and displayed near the windowpanes.
Elle just giggles at the younger's cuteness before rummaging through the racks for some Sunday dresses and handing them to Nina who confusingly held them against her chest.
"Now be a dear and try them, please?" The elder says as she playfully nudged the younger towards the dressing room.
Nina looks back at the elder for one more time before entering one of the empty dressing rooms, sighing as she watched three dresses of different styles and color.
The younger tries on the first one her hand held, and contemplates if she looked good in it or not.
"Come out if you're done trying the first one, love." Elle shouts from the outside. Nina fidgets as she opens the door to show her unnie the outfit. "You look gorgeous, babe." The elder compliments with a genuine smile, making Nina feign a faint blush as she gives a small 'Thank You'. "Go and try another one now."
The moment Nina stepped out of the dressing room, she was welcomed with a click of a camera. Her unnie just took a snap of her.
"Unnie!" She whines at the elder who only said she looked pretty and told her that she wanted to keep a memory of her in a dress.