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How do I keep you?

flowers in a purple shot glass

awkward dances in a gold dress

funny smiles on a photo strip

last hugs behind library shelves

In cold nights, I still use

the blanket of memories

we've sown together

I pretend

they keep me warm

Ever since you,

I now collect bookmarks

but I only used them

to mark

where I wanted a story to end

I hated how,

despite its name,


were meant to turn pages

So instead,

I used it by its name.

I marked my stories how I wanted to

keep them

Let it be that

Romeo never commits suicide,

Estella does not marry another,

Jo and Laurie are forever dancing,

You and I are sitting in a Ferris wheel

My first Ferris Wheel

Afraid of heights

You held my hand

what a beautiful view

A chapter closed that day

You moved 

my bookmark

when I couldn't.

Is this how I will keep you?

in shot glasses and photo strips

in unturned chapters and unfinished stories

in cursing the bookmarks that didn't work

because it was I who turned the page

Like you did for me,

I moved

your bookmark

when you couldn't

I let go of your hand

and told you not to be afraid

That soon the cold nights would turn into

a beautiful view too

This is how I will keep you

when the first star shines

the blankets we've sown together

safely kept

in the highest cart of a Ferris wheel


To my monkey,

We were each other's Ferris Wheels. I hope we both find our roller coasters someday.

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