Chapter One: The beginning

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Hello! This is my first time writing fanfic, or anything in the last couple of years, so please upvote if you like it, or give me criticism where I can improve. Thank you so much lovelys!

- Lydia

"Annabelle get your ass down here! Someone's here to see you." Mrs. Bowens yelled.

Annabelle and her brother Jasper had been in this Foster home for three months, and it was the longest they'd ever stayed in one place. This was why it surprised Annabelle when someone came to visit her, she didn't have any friends or even know anyone from the neighborhood. Mrs. Bowens wasn't the worst foster parent she and Jasper had had, but she was only doing it for the money that the state sent, which was supposed to support Annabelle and Jasper, but Mrs. B spent it on lord knows what. Annabelle and Jasper were stuck finding their own meals most of the time, so it was more like living with a bossy, controlling roommate, than an actual parent.

Annabelle hurried downstairs almost tripping over the last step as she ran to the door. She was expecting to see a social worker of some sort, but she never would have expected to see who was actually at the door. It was a large man who seemed to be seven feet tall, he had a long, dark beard, and strangely a pink umbrella gripped in his hands.

"Oi how ya doin there? My name's Hagrid, nice to finally meet ya." The large man, now known as Hagrid said. Annabelle looked up to meet Hagrids kind face, he wasn't as intimidating when he spoke, but she still was worried about what he was doing there. Hagrid noticed the worried look on Annabelle's face and began to explain.  "Bowens could I have some time with Annabelle alone." Hagrid said in a questioning tone, but his facial expression said it was anything but a question. Once Mrs. Bowens left the room, Annabelle found herself being more curious than nervous as she waited for an explanation.

"Okie now we can get started! So as ya know I'm Hagrid, and I've come to talk to ya, but I was sent by Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. We usually send the prospective students a letter when they turn 11, but we haven't been able to find ya.  So I've been sent to come and take ya to Hogwarts!" Hagrid explained excitedly. Annabelle felt like she was being pranked and started to look around for the cameras, but when none appeared she started to back away from the crazy man. "Ei no reason to be spooked, if ya think I'm lyin, just look back and think if anything strange or magical has happened to ya with no possible way it could've happened." Annabelle stopped moving backward long enough to think about this. It would explain most of the events that got them kicked out of their last foster homes, like when Mr. Kemper's cane turned into a snake when he tried to hit Jasper, which then bit him instead.

"Okay I think I believe you, but I have a brother Jasper, would he be able to come with me?" Annabelle would only go to this "Hogwarts" if her brother would be able to come along, he's five years younger than Annabelle, but one of the most mature people she knew, Annabelle knew he'd be able to handle moving again. A look of confusion passed over Hagrid's face before he quickly replaced it with excitement. "The more the merrier ya know! I didn't know ya had a brother. Go grab him and ya stuff and we'll leave in a moment." Annabelle thanked him before running upstairs.

"Jasper! Jasper! Come on! We've got to pack our stuff! We're going to a school for magic! There's no time for explaining, Hagrid will explain on the way!" Annabelle yelled as she stuffed her small amount of belongings into a backpack. She was done within five minutes. Jasper hurriedly packed his stuff into a backpack and didn't question his sister. They both ran back downstairs and yelled a farewell to Mrs. Bowens. Without another look back they were off to a magical school that would hopefully change their lives.

It took about two hours to get to Hogwarts riding Hagrid's flying motorcycle, which only had one extra seat, so Jasper had to sit in front of Hagrid on the main part of the bike. If Annabelle and Jasper didn't believe Hagrid before, they sure did after flying on a motorcycle! Once they landed, Annabelle and Jasper were greeted with a giant castle that looked like it belonged in a fairytale. "Alrighty so if my time's correct we should get to the great hall just before the feast starts so we can get the both of ya sorted into houses." Hagrid said this as he marched quickly up to Hogwarts, with Annabelle and Jasper on his heels. Jasper looked at Annabelle with a worried face. "What do you mean houses?" Jasper asked, talking for the first time since they left the foster home. "I forget that you both don't know these things, my bad." Hagrid apologized.

"So there are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Gryffindor is the house for the students who show traits of bravery, courageousness, and chivalry. Hufflepuff is represented by hard work, loyalty, and honesty. Ravenclaw students are known for their intelligence, wit, and observation. And finally, Slytherin is known for being cunning, ambitious, and resourceful. Any house that you get into has great qualities, but Slytherin is known for producing the darkest wizards out of all the houses, so hopefully you don't get put into that one." Hagrid chuckled lightheartedly before pushing open the doors to the great hall.

All eyes turned to look at the newcomers that just barged into the great hall, some whooped at Hagrid, but others just stared. There were four tables, all of which had their own colors, and there was a large table that seemed to hold staff members at the front of the hall. Hagrid walked Annabelle and Jasper to the front of the hall straight to the teacher's table. Annabelle noticed a stool with an old witch looking hat over to the left but soon forgot about it when Hagrid started talking to an old man with a long white beard and a mischievous twinkle to his eye. "'Ello Dumbledore, sorry we're late, didn't realize there was an extra kid that needed to be picked up." Hagrid looked at Jasper with a kind smile. "It's quite alright Hagrid thank you for picking them up, Minerva would you mind sorting them into their houses?" Dumbledore asked a middle aged woman, who had a kind face that showed many wrinkles from years of laughter and joy. She stood up and walked over to the stool with the hat on it and motioned for Annabelle and Jasper to follow.

"Okay one of you sit down on the stool and I'll place the hat on your head, it's going to talk to you so don't be frightened. Who wants to go first?" Annabelle and Jasper looked at each other. Jasper walked over and sat on the stool, Minerva placed the hat on Jasper's head and stepped back. All eyes were glued onto Jasper, his face went white as the hat started talking to him. "What do we have here? I see someone who has gone through quite a bit, but found a solution to all problems. You are brave and courageous, but also intelligent and have a thirst for knowledge. I'm going to put you in... RAVENCLAW!" The hat screamed the last part, and the tables went crazy cheering, Jasper smiled as he was shown to the Ravenclaw table. The students at that table laughed and clapped him on the back congratulating him on getting into their house. The only table that didn't cheer was the green table, which Annabelle assumed to be the Slytherin house.

Annabelle looked at the hat nervously, she had never been separated from her brother, and she was determined she wouldn't get separated from him now. She walked over to the stool and let Minerva place it on her head. She tried her best to think smart thoughts, but jumped when it started talking. "Aw you know you can't trick me, I don't only see what you're thinking, but your past as well. I can see that you're intelligent, but you're also brave and resourceful. I see that you're cunning and a hard worker. You're quite a challenge, but I can only see you fitting into one house completely. I'm going to put you into house... SLYTHERIN!" Annabelle's face went white, and she saw Hagrid looking down at his feet embarrassed knowing what he had said earlier.

Annabelle slowly walked over to the green table, she noticed that none of the other houses were cheering for her except for the Slytherin house. She could feel the whole room's eyes on her, but the most pressing were the onyx eyes coming from the staff table.

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