Untitled Part 1

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I was anticipating this project with nervousness. I've worked with a great many of people, yet portraying Bette Davis and working alongside the Jessica Lange had me more flustered than I expected.

The first thing I noticed was her soft easy walk. Even at our age, she still moves like a panther, sliding around the room with her cat like eyes. We've of course met before, the circles are small in Hollywood and when you work for such a long time, paths cross. Ryan Murphy is greeting anyone in his very shy and respectful manners, we all shake hands with the attending crew, smiling and nodding along at this very first day of the new project.

Finally she turns towards me.

„Susan", our hands meet. Her skin is warm and soft and I smile softly.

„Jessica, im glad to see you again!", her lips widen to a small gesture of affirmation.

„Let's hope we don't end up in a feud.", her silky smooth voice rings around my ears. I always forget, that she's got that powerful tool. She has an effect on everyone around her.

I just cross my fingers and my smile widens, but before I can answer her Ryan dings his glass.

„Ladies", Ryan waves his hands and the room quiets down. „Why don't we sit down." he gestures towards an oval, brown table. He leads Jessica towards a seat in the middle and she stands behind her chair.

„Susan", she looks out for me and I snap to myself.

Often I start to just read a room and get lost in my own observations.

„Come sit here, you two ladies should sit together." I walk over the room and the 10 steps or so seem to be longer than usually.

„Get yourself together, Sarandon." I tell myself off.

Brushing her chair, while I move around I sit down.

„I'm glad you could all join me today", Ryan has put on his business voice, which means we all have to pay attention. He goes on and on about the project and how he wants the schedule to be.

„I know the deadline is soon but, If we start early in the mornings we could make it."

I groan inwards, early in this profession means early and don't we all treasure sleep? Yet I smile and nod, when I feel Jessica shift in her chair I look over hastily.

She leans towards me, I can feel her face getting close towards my ear, and I Freeze up.

„If they make us get up before 4am they better have the strongest coffee in town ready, or I'll quit.", she whispers, her nose brushing my ear for just a quick second. I shiver and nod in agreement.

She leans back and I try to relax my body.

„And I'd like to propose that we start a table reading tomorrow.", Ryan finishes his long speech about work ethics.

All people nod and murmurs words off affirmations, and I tag along. A table read would be highly effective.

People start to shift their feet's and grab their bags, apparently we are dismissed.

„I think your chair is standing on my bag.", Jessica shifts next to me and I nearly knock the chair over, in an effort to stand up as quickly as possible.

„No need to rush.", she chuckles deep and melodic.

Then she looks at me. „How did you prepare?"

I look up.

„I just...", my hand glides down my jacket, in the desperate need to smooth a wrinkle that isn't even there. „Did the research."

„I barely new anything about her.", I try to compose myself and let out a small nervous laugh.

Jessica nods, seemingly lost in thought.

„Let's get back to the hotel.", she nods again.

„I think this is going to work out.", her words of affirmation touch me almost as much as her hand, softly patting my hand, as if she knew how I felt and how scared I really was of this son of a project.

We walk outside the stuffy room and cold night air hits us both.

„Ugh", I wrap my arms around my body. „I didn't expect it to get cold so soon.", I mutter.

„Here.", Jessica starts to roam around her handbag. „Take This.", she find what she is looking for and holds out a grey cardigan.

„I get cold easily, so I always have one with me.", she wraps her own cardigan tighter around her, my eyes travelling down for a split second, before I catch myself.

„Thank you.", I hear myself saying and as if automatic I glide into the soft garment. I don't even need this anymore I'm warm all over. What is even happening? I shove the thought aside and we walk alongside to the cars.

Jessica already looks out for a taxi, her Assistent shovelling for her phone, To call a car, but I'm quicker.

„Ill order us a car, you are staying at the hotel right?", I type on my phone and she dismisses the girl, that heads towards the city.

„yeah.", she seems tired now, it has been a long day.

The car honks at us and we both get in and all of a sudden Jessica perks up.

„Are you very tired?", her eyes twinkle mischievously in the light of the city.

„Not particularly.", I wonder why I'm not tired anymore. I should be dead asleep right now.

„I'll grab a drink in the Hotel bar, care to join me?", her face turns towards me now and we lock eyes.

As I plop down at a table, she already studies the drinks they are offering.

„Ill have a white wine.", I mumble, and the waiter, that definitely recognised us, stands there, nervously awaiting Jessica's order.

„I'll take a round of Wodka shots and a bottle of Bordeaux.", her voice is husky now, as if already intoxicated.

„Oh don't look at me like that Sarandon.", her eyes twinkle and I relax into my chair.

When the waiter comes back he seems even more nervous.

„I um.", the boy stutters, „this might be werid," he continues, as I turn towards him, my head propped up on my hand. „But aren't you Susan Sarandon? From Rocky Horror?"

Oh great so he has seen me half naked. „Yeah that's me.", I force a smile on my lips. This day had been long enough. He searches for his wallet and pulls out a picture of me. I chuckle and sign it and he practically runs away from the table excited.

I roll my eyes.

„Don't you love it?" Jess chuckles and sips on her wine.

„That he has a picture of me in his wallet?", I chuckle.

„That we both did inappropriate roles in our youth and men still remember us for that?", she shakes her head. „You should see the people that still lust over me in King Kong."

The wine coats my mouth.

„Well thats understandable isn't it? You are a beautiful woman."

„Well that's a long time ago.", she turns her head and looks at her glass, swirling around the liquid.

„You are still beautiful you know?", I blush. Why do I blush? Must be the wine.

The wine must be hitting her as well, her cheeks are lightly tinted and she turns away.

"We should probably get to bed, tomorrow we start early.", she waves for the waiter and heads up, taking the bottle of wine with her.

When I stare at the ceiling in bed that night the world spins around me, the alcohol burning inside my blood.

My phone lights up and I try to focus on the bright screen.

"You are beautiful too." Jessica had send it with a shaking hand and a racing mind. 

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