Introduction To-Yourself

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The sun shone warmly as clouds flew blissfully by. The sunshine came right through your blinds, lighting up the room. You were reading over letters your mom had given to you before you left.

"And make sure to always stay healthy and hygienic. You know how bad your father can smell sometimes", she had written with a disgusted smiling face beside it. You rolled your eyes.
"And remember, I love you very much! Your father does too. Good luck, y/n! Love you, sweetie!!!"

You put the paper down and looked over to the pile of papers next to you—all of which were from your mother. You wondered if she was maybe a bit too worried about you, just a little. You then thought that couldn't be the truth, considering your parents essentially kicked you out the house to find your own way and path in life, which wasn't too bad when you thought about it. If anything, it felt like a dream come true to you, being away from them. Not that they treated you badly or anything like that, you just were the only child and therefore, all the pressure was put upon you to be the best. Sometimes it made you wonder why they didn't just have another kid. Then you'd be called out by your father for being 'disrespectful' while your mother would probably start sobbing, wondering why she didn't think of that. The thought of having a sibling didn't seem to bother you at all, even when you were younger. You wished you could have one, so you'd be able to go out and do what you wanted to do while your parents were busy with your sibling and their individual needs and wants. But at last, were you getting the bitter-sweet version of that wish—getting kicked out to live on your own. You rubbed the side of your face as your flannel top blazed in the sunshine from the blinds. You got up, rubbing your hands along your denim blue bottoms and put the papers away. As you did so, you could hear the voice of your mother in your head.

"So, what do you want to do?", she had said. You looked to her puzzled.
"I don't know", you said, rising your voice a bit.

It seemed like your parents—specially your mother had been asking you this question for years, and you genuinely didn't know the answer. It felt like since the day you learned how to talk, that's all your mother wanted to know from you. Other kids from around your town knew early on. You had some say mothers, fathers, farmers, nannies. It was all there. Then there was you, who didn't have a clue in the world. This was normal since you were and are the type to roll with it. You never really got upset if things didn't go your way since you knew that there were much more options out there and that the same person you were that day might not be the same person tomorrow or years later. You came back to the present as you finished organizing and putting away the letters. You were cautious to have many things organized, considering you were in a small RV house that couldn't afford to get overwhelmed with junk. You stood up from the side of your bed and made your way to your kitchen. The kitchen was small but roomy as there was a small coffee table and pantry along with some cabinets. You opened your fridge to see what was in there to eat. There wasn't much, just some fruit, meat, pastries and other little snacky things here and there. It's not like you were even really that hungry, let alone starving since you ate breakfast earlier. So, you just backed up and closed it. You turned around to look at your kitchen. You rubbed the top of your head, getting some oil from your hair onto your hand. You made your way back to your bed, reading some other letters to pass the time since it wasn't that late now, the sun was about halfway in the sky. You looked over to the clock on your bed stand that read 11:35 am.

"It's only 11:30", you moaned to yourself in your head.
You put the letter you were reading down as it wasn't that engaging to read. You placed your face into your hands.
"What am I going to do with my life?", you thought to yourself.
Suddenly, a sound you had never heard before came. You slowly lifted your face from your hands and looked around. You turned around to your window and peeked through the blinds. You didn't see anything. The sound came again. Just like a child, you were curious. You got up from your bed and headed outside.

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