New Kid

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For the first time in what seemed like forever, I heard my annoying alarm ring lifting me from my deep sleep. Today was the day, I was going back to school.

I had been home schooled the past few months, due to the pain I was going through. I didn't want to break down in front of everybody, so one night my single mom Angela and I sat down and talked about it.


I tossed my dark brown hair over my shoulder, as I crawled out of bed padding towards my bathroom. I clicked the door open stepping in and turning to my right, facing the mirror.

My hair was matted in all different directions, around my eyes a mixture of purple and red, lips pressed together tightly. I was a wreck.

I heard my mom through the thin wall "Sweety, could you come down here?" She asked politely. I scoffed throwing my hair into a bun and dragging myself down the stairs.

"Take a seat, hun." She said barely over a whisper pulling out a chair beside her from the kitchen table. I took the offered seat and pulled my knees up to my chest.

"I need to know your opinion on this." She stated.
"Ok go for it." I said trying to fake a smile and failing completely.
"Do you want to be home schooled?"
She asked bluntly, well I guess all the cards were on the table that way.
"I don't know..." "Let me think about it, and I'll try to make a decision by tomorrow."

Tightly I gripped the railing, pulling myself up the stairs, walking straight down the hallway to my room, falling into bed.

This was going to be a long night.

(End of flashback)

I pulled myself out of bed hitting my alarm clock harder than needed. This was gonna suck! I slipped into my bathroom taking a look in the mirror, and getting started.

45 minutes later...

Finishing the last swipe on my mascara, I was finally ready to go.
I was wearing, a pair of almost black high waisted skinny jeans, a white crop top with a patterned pocket on the chest, and a pair of combat boots.

I ran down the stairs grabbing my keys and walking out the door into the warm Australia sunshine. Most likely the one and only thing I would enjoy all day.

I hopped into my red mustang convertible and made my way to my best friend, Michael Clifford's house.

When I arrived, I honked the horn, even shocking myself a bit. I giggled quietly at my stupidity, waiting for the blue haired goofball to open the door. The screen door pulled open revealing his silly smile. He jogged over jumping the door and landing perfectly in the passenger seat.

"Hey Smurfy!"I laughed at him as his face molded into a small frown.
"Adriana! What did I tell you about calling me Smurfy?" He asked. A small smile creeped onto my face
"Just because my hair is blue, does not mean I am a smurf!" He said trying to act serious. Although by then a smile had creeped onto his face too.

"Could I ask you a huge favour?" He asked me a hopeful look on his face.
"Of course!" I answered
"Could you pick up my friend Luke too?
He's new and I'm the only person at our school who knows him."he spit out quickly "He's cool" he added
"Sure!" I simply answered

We made our way there, Michael only telling when to turn about second before I had to each time.

"This is it!" He said, dramatically pointing towards the humungous blue house.

"Wow" I said at a loss for words.

"Yeah" he said, almost in a state of shock. "His dad is a lawyer, they have pretty good money." He stated, matter of factly.

Then I saw him. My brown eyes immediately latched to his blue ones.
I couldn't stop myself, all that I could do was stare.

"Adrianna, Adrianna?" Michael pulled me out of my state of almost unconsciousness. He was beautiful.

AHHHHH I really like this story!! Please vote❤️ it would mean a lot!!
Oh and... MERRY FRICKIN CHRISTMAS!!🎄🎅❤️💚- unless you don't celebrate it...
Love you all soo much❤️

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