♡︎The bet♡︎

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"Get the fuck up you lazy bitch it's the first day back" i heard my sister say I laugh "coming"
Mom-mom (mom)
Isobel-I (me)
Jessica-j (sister)
Mattia-M (brother)
Mom: I've made some pancakes sweetie eat up
I: thanks
Mom: no problem have you got everything sorted
I: yes thanks
M: and tell me if anyone bothers you
I: i can 'fend for myself
M: I'm serious
I: okay, I get it
J: I will help beat his ass
I: thanks guys anyways i need a shower
i run upstairs and go to my closet and pick out some blue skinny jeans and a black crop top with a long gray cardigan. i slipped on my Nike black trainers and leave to pick up mads and kio.
Kio: k
Ma: hey crazy bitch
I: hey blonde bitch
K: guys, we don't have all day
I: someone's in a bad mood
i say and kiss his cheek.
K: serious
i smile and drive to starbucks and get a coffee and a muffin.
I: now lets go we gonna be late
Ma: well your the one driving
K: yes so go faster
I: I'm trying to not get pulled over
Ma: aweeee is miss Isobel to scared to get in trouble
I: nope I'm just trying to not get us pulled over
K: face it you never get in trouble
I: you guys haven't been raised with a latino mother
K: i grew up with a thai one
Ma: okay get sent out all periods
K: yes
i look at them wide eyed.
I: i will get whooped to the uk and back over
Ma: come on, blame it on us
they laugh
I: fine, fine
K: excited to see this
i pull up
I: mads, biology. kio, physics and me... chemistry. monday first period we're all top floor. i always forget
i smile and get out
K: your so fucking weird
i shrug and walk in and go to my locker them following behind and guess who was there
Ry: long time no see
I: not long enough obviously
Ry: what was that?
I: nothing, calm down
Ry: I will calm down when I want to calm down
I: so please want to calm down
Ry: someone's got attitude
I: i'm not in the mood
Ry: come on, you totally drool over me
I: literally never
i close it
Ry: I'm not done with you
I: yes you are so fuck off
Ry: slut
I: dickhead
Ry: whore
I: asshole
Ry: bitch
I: fuck boy
Then I felt my cheek and realised he slapped me , I kick him in the balls
I: see how many girls want you now
Ry: you fucking bitch
He winced in pain
I: your the bitch storms
I walk to first period with mads and kio
M: remind me not to have a go at you
K: jesus, your taking this bet seriously then?
I: you bet i am. if i win. you have to do whatever i want
M: fine by me
i knew they doubted me, i mean i get why and all but still.
I walk into class and go to the back

Teacher- tea

Tea- Isobel can you please get of your phone
I: no thanks
Everyone turns around shocked
Tea: excuse me
I: I said no thanks I'm texting
Tea: is texting more important than your education
i shrug
Tea: isobel
I: what?
Tea: just go stand outside
I sigh and walk out and go down the halls and text mads and kio everything and they sound shocked I just laughed and just walked round the school till next period and decided to show up late.
Tea2: morning
the teacher said and i just walk past
Tea: why are you late?
I: toilets
Tea: it's only second period
I:so? can't help my bladder, why are you at me? god
Tea2: I don't like that attitude of yours
I: and I don't like that top of yours
The class started laughing
Tea2: I don't know what's up with you but I don't like it OUT!
I: gladly
I walk out and flip her off in the process and walk through the halls waiting for next period and stumble apon ryland and a girl making out.
I: eww get a room
Ry: kill yourself
I: if it'll get me away from you
Girl: fuck off whore
I: what did you just say
Girl: fuck of whore
I slap her
Girl: bitch

She jumps on me and starts hitting me. ryland was standing there laughing. he finally reached down and pulled her off me

I: psycho

I say walking away and go to class and sat at the back again I decided I needed to go further this time. the girl i sit next to is a proper weirdo. i nudge her, she looks up confused.

I: vape?
i whisper and she nods slowly
I:can i use it for a minute
Girl: fine, but it's not mine if you get caught
i shake her hand and she passes it. i take a puff. the teacher looks at me stunned, he comes to the back and grabs it
Tea3: out of my class, go to guidance

I walk out proud of myself till I hear a familiar voice asking to leave the classroom oh fuck what does he want now.

Ry: hi
I: what do you want?
Ry: what was that back there
I: do you really wanna know?
Ry yes please
I: it's a bet I have to get sent out every class but it has to be a different reason every time
Ry: hmmm interesting and why are you doing this bet?
I: to show I'm not a pussy
Ry: hmm okay wait come
I: where?
Ry: just come
He took us to a part of the school o hadn't seen before
I: so you gonna kill me up here?
Ry: that would be fun but no
I: so why?
Ry: make out with me in class
I: what?
Ry: to get sent out
I: serious? no chance
Ry: come on, win for both of us. i want to make maddie jealous
i think for a moment and sigh.

i walk to next period and go in and sit next to ryland and start making out with him he grabbed your thigh and then you hear the teacher say
Tea4: seriously?
I: can't you see we are in the middle of summit
Tea4: ew not on my desks
I: I will kiss ryland when I want to and where I want to thank you now leave us
I start kissing ryland again he was taken aback
Tea4: out!
I: serious?
Tea4: both of you just go somewhere

I wait until next period AGAIN it's the most boring thing ever The bell went so I went into class and this was science.
I decided to cause an explosion or atleast mix chemicals

I: does this go in here
Tea5: no tha-
Before I knew it I had made a little explosion and dropped a couple of test tubes on purpose
I: whoops must of slipped anyways this class is boring as hell
Tea5: isobel!
I: sorry
Tea3: help me clean it, don't touch the glass
I: no thanks
Tea5: go wait outside, i can't be bothered
I: finally this took longer than the others

I walk out happy with myself knowing I have one period to screw up so I went to next period and heard my name through the speakers mads and kio looked at me knowing bout the bet.
kio smirked at me and i got up.
I: no way i'm losing this bet
M: what the fuck are you doing?
Before I knew it I had pulled the fire alarm.

then I walked out with everyone and they were all looking at me outside.


i sat in the office as my mom was speaking to him.

My bully//Ryland storms😚Where stories live. Discover now