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About 1 month later
Ryland has been there for me through this he's so sweet but I think there might be something wrong with the baby I'm having pain so I'm going with kouvr today she's gonna be with me because I haven't told ryland me and kouvr both know what the answer will probably be and I'm shattered I actually got quite happy
Me and kouvr get ready and go to the hospital and the nurse directs us to the room I sit on the bed and kouvr is next to me holding my hand
I: kouvr what if
I start crying
Ko: we will get through this together I will be with you
Doctor: hey I'm your doctor for today I know how scary this might be but I will try help as much as I can
I: th-thank you
Doctor: no problem
He puts the gel on then puts it down and his eyes start to water I could tell what was wrong and I start crying and kouvr hugs me tightly
Ko: sh sh sh baby it's going to be okay I'm here and so is everyone else
I: w-what do I t-tell ry-ryland
Ko: the truth
I: it will crush h-him
Ko: I know the truth always hurts but it is better he knows
I: o-okay
I thank the doctor then we drive home and I go up to my room and cry and cry then Alex and kouvr walk in and they hug me
Al: I'm so sorry
I: it's o-okay
Al: no it's not you just lost a baby it's okay to be sad
I: I-its just r-ryland
Ko: as I said you just need to be honest I've only told Alex
I: o-okay
Just then ryland walks in and he sees me crying
Ry: hey are you okay?
Ko: we will leave you two
They walk out and I lay down and start crying again I think he knew what was coming and hugged me
Ry: shhhh it's okay I'm here
I lay on his chest crying
Ry: I've cream?
I nod my head and he walks downstairs

Rylands pov

When I saw her crying I knew what was coming I was crushed but I needed to be strong for her so I hugged her. I decided she needed ice cream so I went down and nick came up and actually hugged me
Ni: I'm sorry
Ry: it's okay it's just Isobel she won't stop crying and I don't know what to do?
Ni: just be with her that's all I can give you
Ry: okay thanks

Isobel pov

I decide to call Susan because she will have advice I call and she picks up
Susan: hello?
Isobel: I- I just lost my b-baby
Susan: wha- im coming over
Isobel: ok the a-address is (their address)
Susan: okay I will be right there
Ten minutes later there was a knock at the door then Susan came into my room and hugged me
I: it's gone
Susan: I know it hurts but you will get through this
I: I don't know
I just sit there hugging her
Susan: do you want to see Lucy? She's downstairs
I: please
She brings up Lucy and gives her to me
I: hiya Lucy
I start to cry a lil again and she smiles at me which makes me smile
Lucy: bleh
I: awww
She wraps her fingers around mine and giggles so I smile again and look up at Susan and she's just smiling
I: thank you
Susan: no problem if you even need to talk call
I: okay I will
I hug her again and she leaves so I lay down and sleep

Rylands pov

After Susan left I decided to go up and see if she's okay and she's fast asleep so I lay with her and play with her hair and hug her. She really didn't need this she's to kind. Shit I should text mads for her
Ryland: hey mads it's me I'm sorry but Isobel just lost the baby she's really broken up about it and so am I but I can't show it so can you come over
Mads: holy shit I will be right over I think I should bring kio they both really care for eachother they are best friends so I will bring him and we will be over soon
Ryland: okay thanks
I sit there for a while then I hear a knock at the front door so I go and open it and they are both there so they go up to her room and I stay down here

Isobel's pov

I wake up and see kio and mads and start crying again and hug them both
K: it's going to be okay
Ma: yep we are here
We sit there talking and we all made up and are best friends again and they made me feel better then I remembered I didn't get my ice cream
Ma: I didn't get my ice cream
I pout
K: I will go down and get it
I: thank you
Kio comes back with ice cream and we sit for a while then they leave and ryland comes up and lays next to me
I: we weren't ready anyways I guess
Ry: just so you know I love you no matter what and this isn't your fault stuff like this happens and we all love and support you
He kisses me and I kiss back and then we fall asleep
Skip to like kouvrs birth
Kouvr was gonna give birth any second of the day now and it was upsetting me I haven't been sleeping right and I think ryland has noticed because he spends the night stroking my hair till I sleep or rubbing my back. Just then kouvr texts me to come to her room so I run through
Ko: my water just broke
I: shit
we take her bag because Alex is god knows where and we go in the elevator down. At the bottom I see chase in the kitchen
I see him fumble with his phone and send out a message quickly then decided to come with us. I drove to the hospital fast and went in and a nurse took kouvr and chase waited for the others and I went with her. We got into the room and she was in pain but I got her through
I: deep breaths kouvr in
I: and out in
I: and out
She followed along with it and she squeezed my hand tightly
Ko: I'm so fucking lucky to have you so I have a question
I: yes anything
Ko: will you and ryland be it's god parents
I start crying
We hug and Alex bursts in the room and comes over
Ko: Alex I'm good
Al: okay um what do we do
I: help her through the contractions
Al: okay how
I: breathing exercises come sit
I moved and he sat with her
I: I'm gonna be back in a minute just keep breathing
Ko: okay
I walk out the room to the others
I: she has some grip ow
They all laugh
Ry: how is she
I: In pain a lot
Ni: can they not stop the pain
All the girls look at nick
Mi: nick you've got a lot to learn
Ad: yes she's got a whole human inside of her
Ry: hey is your hand okay it's looking a lil purple
I: yep she's just bruised it
Then Alex texts me to go back
I: well Alex needs help keep ya updated
I walk back in and kouvr is a mess
I: what the fuck I leave for one minute did you do the breathing exercises
Ko: I think he needs them more than me
I sit down
I: okay so both of you deep breaths
I: in
I: and out
I: In
I: and out
I did that for a while and kouvr was still in pain but they both calmed a bit I gave kouvr a stress ball because my hand was a mess and we took her over to the yoga ball where she did little movement whilst she was breathing
I: okay so how about we talk about how we are feeling
Ko: okay I will go first PAIN
I: and that's normal
Alex was rubbing her back
I: now Alex
Al: me?
I: yes
Al: okay well scared and nervous but also happy
I: okay good now maybe talk about your future and maybe names
Ko: well if it's a girl then maya and a boy then Peter
Al: they are nice names
I: Alex your input on names
Al: well hmmmm I like maya for a girl or Rosie and for a boy Alex
Me and kouvr laugh
Ko: mini Alex hmmm I wouldn't mind that
I: you can get him a lil vlog camera and shit
We all burst out laughing
Ko: that would be cute
Al: yesss
I: okay so now talk about your future
Ko: our child is definitely going to school
Al: agreed I want it to have a good education and not not be spoilt
Ko: yeah we will get it what it needs and no phone till like atleast 9
Al: yes because it will get addicted and we want our child to grow up creative and imagination because it needs its imagination for its vlogs
Ko: and their dancing
We all laugh again
Ko: holy shit how did you do that you made me forget the pain and I think I'm bouta give birth owww
I: it's fine I will get a nurse
Nurse: no need Im right here and how did you do that I was watching you and you managed to take the pain of her
I: what can I say I'm a natural
Ko: back to me I'm in PAIN OWWWW
nurse: okay I will need you to call her down again..
I: Isobel
Nurse: okay Isobel I need you to take her through that process again
I: okay
I sit next to kouvr and she looks at me
I: so kouvr tell me what your thinking
Ko: well I'm thinking about the baby and how I'm gonna try and give it a good life
Al: ahem
Ko: fine how WE are gonna give it a good life
We laugh
I: what colour is it's room
Ko: Thomas gave us one of the spare rooms and it's pastel yellow with some yellow wallpaper with clouds on the back and we have got it loads of toys and a small crib and a play pen with more little toys and a blanket
I: oooo pretty where is it?
Ko: we've not shown anyone and kept it hidden well nobody has gone in because we don't want it trashed
I: I can't wait to see it are you excited for the future
Ko: of course with my amazing boyfriend and soon to be amazing baby
Nurse: kouvr we need one more big push
Kouvr: okay okay
I: remember breath
She pushes once more and screams in pain and there it is a beautiful baby girl I cry with kouvr and Alex as they hug I go over and get the baby from the nurse and bring her over
I: here's your little ray of sunshine
Ko: thank you
Kouvr takes her and Alex hugs me
Al: thank you we honestly couldn't have done it without you
He sees my hand
Al: kouvr did that?
I: yessir
We laugh and kouvr looks at us confused and I show her my hand and she hugs me
Ko: sorry sorry sorryyyyy
I: it's honestly okay
Ko: thank you for everything you managed to take my mind of everything
I: your welcome ima go get the others
Al&ko: okay
I walk out and had a lil blood on me from the baby and they were on their phones
I: the girl is born
Everyone jumps up and runs to the room and quietly go in
Everyone : awww its beautiful
Ko: yes it is
She smiles at me
Al: we couldn't have done it without Isobel
Nurse: yes you couldn't you were a really good help
I: why thank you
Nurse: we could use someone like you
I: I will think about it
Nurse: okay and is your hand okay
I: ye I'm sure it's fine
Nurse: we can X-ray it
I: okay
I walk over to the bathroom and wash my hands and then follow the nurse she took me to a room and scanned my hand. Once she was done I stood up and went over to her and she said
Nurse: you've fractured your hand I need to bandage it up
I: okay thanks
She bandages it up and I go back to the others and they look at my hand
Ko: omg what have I done to you
I: it's fine just a fracture it honestly doesnt hurt
Ko: good
I go over and sots next to her and she hands me maya Rosie Warren
Ko: here
I smile at her and she's sleeping Then the nurse walks in
Nurse: she's a happy healthy girl and is free to go
Everyone: okay thank you
I wrap her up in a blanket and stick her in her travel seat and buck her up
Everyone looks at me
I: what
Ry: are you okay
I: yes I'm good why
Ry: nothing
Alex takes her and I walk out with kouvr
Ko: are you sure your okay
I: yes why wouldn't I be
Ko: the baby and all
I: yes I'm fine and I would tell you if not
We got into the car and drove back

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