🥺Getaway pt. 2🥺

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I woke up excited for today and I got ready I decided to check insta and everyone was back to their normal routine. There was loads of people at the new hype house. Ryland was hanging out with this girl in a lot of his posts but I'm not jealous so I won't let it get to me and I'm leaving in a week. I go eat some breakfast and do my morning run and got some coffee. I walk down the beach and run the rest of the way back. Today the girls and the boys are going on a boatride and I'm excited. I get on a Tommy Hilfiger white bikini and put on a shorts and a top over it and go downstairs and meet the girls. We meet the boys by the boat get in and start it and before we know it we are by a huge cliff and are climbing it to do cliff jumping. I decide to film for yt and post it when I get back and I took loads of pictures with the boys and girls. Then we go snorkelling and swim and then we go back.
I: aw ima miss you guys when I go back
Pet: we are all going back to Glasgow in a couple of days
I: I'm leaving in a week
I make a sad face and we all hug
El: and we live here
I laugh
Av: yep you all are welcome to come back and stay whenever
I: that will probably be soon when I have a mental breakdown and not think straight and get a flight to somewhere random and get lost
The boys laugh
Av: what?
Luc: doesn't matter
We stop laughing and go back to the house
Skip to when the boys leave
The boys were leaving today and I was leaving in two days I was scared to go back for some reason. I walked down and saw the boys had already arrived at the house so I hug them.
I: thank you ima miss yous
Boys: no problem
Ben: and as the girls said come visit us whenever all of you want
I: and I will
I smile and we get into the car and go to the airport and I hug them and we see Ben and eliza hugging extra long then they KISS we all cheer
El: I will definitely be visiting
Then she winks at Ben we all laugh
I: have a safe flight love yous and see you soon
Boys: you too love you
We hug once more and they leave and we head back to the house
Skip to when she leaves
I feel sad that I'm leaving and scared. I get ready and go down because I was leaving early at 6am so they got up to take me to the airport and they come in with me and we sat bye
I: omg I love you guys so much that you for this you've made it amazing and I couldn't ask to stay with anyone better
We start crying because we had gotten really close
El: I have loved meeting you we both have you've been a blast and you are welcome anytime you need us
I: I know and you two are welcome to hype house whenever you want
Av: it's gonna be so weird without all the ice cream around
We all laugh
I: well thanks again I need to go my flights in an hour
We all hug and I walk off and get breakfast and text Thomas
Isobel: hey Thomas about to board my flight be there soon x
Thomas: hey I will be there to pick you up we are going to surprise the others so text me when you land x
Isobel: will do x
End of texts
I hear my gate being called so I go over and board my flight and sleep
We finally land and I text Thomas and he said he's coming so I stand and wait then I see him so I run up and hug him and he hugs back
Th: so how was the trip
I: fucking amazing I met those boys from Glasgow and some girls and they took me everywhere
I smile and Thomas takes my cases out to the car and we drive back and I walk through the door and sneak in and slammed my suitcase down and everyone turned and then I saw ryland kissing another girl on the couch of course so I just stood there staring and people caught on
I: ahem
Ry: oh shit
I smile at him
I: not like we were dating anyway and I saw those Glasgow boys again and spent my whole time in Hawaii with them so go suck that girls face off some more
Ry: um I-
I grab my cases and pulled them upstairs and the girls chase after and I decided to post the yt vid and every photo on insta and all the tiktoks
Av: what where were you
Di: how was it
Ko: guys calm down
I told them everything and showed them the yt vids, tiktoks and photos they looked jealous as fuck
C: your sharing a room with me
I went down
I: Thomassss where's my shit
Th: back at the old house and teddy is in the storage closet
I: k thanks
I walk out and back to the house and go in and get my stuff and grab teddy and put it in my car and go back
I pull my boxes in first and pulled my teddy in after some girl says
Girl: why the fuck do you have that big ass teddy
I: why the fuck do you have those fake ass tits
I walk upstairs and everyone could tell I was in a mood so left me. I walked down into the kitchen and get something to drink and someone came up behind me it was mads
Ma: can we talk
I: about what Madison
Everyone whips there head around cause everyone calls her mads
Ma: my friends call me mads
I: well we aren't friends so what shit do you want now
Ma: to talk
I: about what
Ma: just come
I: nope
Ma: please
She then drags me to another room
I: so what
Ma: I think kio is cheating
I: ha he's a dick anyway
Ma: I don't know what to do
I: wait
I walk out the room and up to kio and slap him
I: I can't believe you would do this to madison you broke her heart
K: listen I know and I'm sorry and how did you find out
Everyone was staring
I: I didn't you just admitted it dickhead here's your answer
Ma: um thanks I guess
I: your welcome
I was about to leave
Av: wait where are you going don't walk out again pleaseee
I: chill I'm getting ice cream
Av: oooo can I come
I: fine but only you
We grab our skateboards and go to the parlour order sundaes and sit at a table
Av: can you be honest with me we're you upset when you saw ryland
I: yes my heart literally broke inside I just hid it
Av: aw babes
She hugs me and I start to cry
Av: I'm so sorry 
I: it's fine it was him that messed up once again but I still love him
Av: I know the feeling before I met anthony who is amazing and I love there was my ex I loved him at the time even more than my family and I caught him cheating and I know it hurts but we woman have to stand strong and show that we will not be treated like this
I: I'm sorry and we should we will show we aren't made to be played round with then dropped
Av: yes girl
We hug them go back to the house and ryland comes up to me
I: what
Ry: can we talk
I: about what
Ry: just come
He dragged me to a room and he sat me down
Ry: hey
I: I am sorry but I am not going to be played around with like some t-
He cut me off by kissing me and I start to kiss back
I: anyways I am not here to be treated like this I am a person too
Ry: sorry your just so hot whilst concentrated anyways I'm sorry I thought you had left permanently and just wanted to move on because it would hurt less
I: if I had left I would've told you but I just needed a break
Ry: what did you do with those Glasgow boys
I: nothing I was just tryna piss you off
Ry: I can't believe you
He touches his heart offended and I laugh
I: just watch the vids later and you will seeeeeee
Ry: okay fine can I watch them with you
I: hmmm lem-
I was cut off by him kissing me once again and I kissed back and we started making out and things were starting to get heated when mads walked through the door
She walks back and me and ryland look at eachother and laugh

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