Part 1: what i've been looking for

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I hurried trying to put on my all white high top vans, I was wearing a pastel pink plaid skirt with a lavender crop top and did light makeup

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I hurried trying to put on my all white high top vans, I was wearing a pastel pink plaid skirt with a lavender crop top and did light makeup. I looked in the mirror taking in my beautiful body I really did love the way I looked, I knew all the boys were going to be staring at me today. Honestly, like they did everyday, I truly love the effect I have on boys.

I skipped down stair seeing my move in the kitted cool eyes on the stove, "good morning, mom" I said smiling as I waked up to her "good morning, sweetie, how did you sleep" she asked smiling back at me "you know, same nightmares" I said as I smiled dropped. Just then my 18 year old brother Caden came in "GOOD MORNING, FAMILY" he came in screaming and wrapped his arms around me and spun me around "STOP, get off me" I said trying to get him to let me go. He put me down and just started laughing "I was just kidding, your never any fun" he said still laughing "and your to much fun" I said smiling at him, I checked checked the time and school stared in less than 10 minutes "ahhhh we have to go, NOW!" I said to my brother. "Ok, hurry up" he said as he ran up the stairs because he still wasn't dressed,

So I was confused on why he was telling me to hurry up, I ran to stairs grabbing my book bag from the floor and heading back down to the stairs to wait for my idiot if a brother to come down. About 5 minutes later Caden cane running down the stairs "alright, in ready" he said opening the door for me then closed it behind him, we headed to his car, he opened the door for and ran to the other side to get in.

Me and Caden have always been very close, he's like my 2nd best friend and is really protective of me like he didn't like any boys in my room. Caden is kinda the most popular boy in school, everybody wanted to hang out with him, fuck him, or be him, I was kinda popular for being the so called "school's slut" I didn't really care what people that of me. Yea I liked sex and teasing all the boys in my school but I'm more than that and I'm just waiting for someone to see it.

We got to school about 5 minutes late, we got out the car and walked in to the school, my brothers friends instantly coming up to him giving him bro hugs. "hey Gage" one of my brother's friends Matthew said coming up to putting his hand in my waist "hey, Mat" I said fluttering my eyelashes at him. "so I asked your best friend for your number but he wouldn't give it to me so I was wondering if yo-" he was cut off by my brother stepping into the conversation. "Matthew get away from him, alright" Caden said pulling Matthew back and coming up to me "get to class Gage" he said giving me a side hug and slightly pushed me down the hallway "Oh my gosh, fine" I huffed as I started walking away. I hate how every time a guy tried to talk to me he just got in the way, but he's said many times he does want me to have the name of the school's slut around, I guess he's just looking out for me.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, my best friend Casey wasn't here today which made me so mad, until I got to my last period where I sat next to Dylan, me and had a couple one night stands. He was so hot like every time I saw him I wanted to ride him, I sat down in my seat beside him "hey, Gage" Dylan says putting his hand in my thigh, my dick instantly got a little hard. "Hi" I smiled sweetly looking at him he leaned over and whispered in my ear "you know, I was think maybe I could come to your house tonight" he asked giving me a gentle kiss on my neck and pulling away, uhhh why does he do this to me. "Well my brothers going to be home to but I can come to your house..... daddy" I said innocently knowing he liked to be called that, he bit his lip looking me up and dow "alright, babe" he smiled as the teacher came in and started class. He gave me one last look before removing his hand from my knee, well tonight going to be fun I thought smiling to myself.


"ALL YOU FUCK DO IS DRINK AND DO DRUGS" I yelled at my dad who sat on the living room couch "you do the same shit" wow, he's really going to throw that in my face after I'm trying to do better, but had no luck in getting anywhere

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"ALL YOU FUCK DO IS DRINK AND DO DRUGS" I yelled at my dad who sat on the living room couch "you do the same shit" wow, he's really going to throw that in my face after I'm trying to do better, but had no luck in getting anywhere. " you are such a piece of shit, you don't deserve to be a father" I yelled at him from the across the room, he stood up from the couch walking over to me standing about 2 feet taller than me "what did you say" he said through gritted teeth.

I tried to stand up to him but sometimes it was hard "I said you don't deserve to be a fucking fa-" I was cut off by a hard punch thrown at my face nocking me to the ground. He then got down and started punching me repeatedly in the face and stomach making me cough up a little bit of blood, once he was bored with me he got up kicking me hard in my stomach and walking out the front door slamming in behind him. I laid there for a about a house crying before I got up and limped to my room, I hated my life.

I had to move with my dad after my mom just got so tired in my getting in trouble and her having to bail me out, I'm not mad at her I would have did the same if I was in her place. I admit I'm not the greatest kid in the world but the little bit of good of had to come from her, all the bad in me came from my dad, the drug and alcohol abuse and the anger problems. My dad would always drink a lot and abuse me a lot em when I was a kid because of my mental problems, he would say there was something wrong with me and he said it so much I believed him and I'm having a hard time trying to change that.

I went up to my room grabbing the shoe box from under my bed pulling out the little bag of white powder, I grabbed a random hard cover book from the floor of my room a got the little spoon I left in the shoe box and got a little bit out of the bad pouring it in the magazine. Then grabbed the card I left in there to make 3 lines of cocaine, I digged around in my pocket pulling a dollar and rolling it up and snorting the first line. I started to feel it moments later, I finished the three lines and put the box back under my bed and then opened my window and went out to the roof, I came here when I got high just to think and forget about all the bad things I've ever did, the things that made the people I love hate me. I wish I was such a fuck up, I wish I didn't have so much fucking mental problems, and I wish I had someone to take me away from all my thoughts. I sat on the roof for about an hour enjoying my high, it always took me to a different world, a happy one.

It was my first day of school tomorrow and I really didn't want to fucking go, I probably will just skip almost everyday like I used to. It's not like I gave a fuck about my future to stay and learn.

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