Chapter 11: I need you right now

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This week Wednesday:
I'm dumb

I'm stupid

I'm stupid and dumb, Gage hasn't texted me all week , why would I tell him that, I just had him, as mine. Theres no way I'm losing him, I'll find a way to make him mine again.

Gage: I can't believe I was really falling for attack, I mean he was in my bed, he tied me up and now I'm thinking about it he could have did anything to me. I hate to say I'm scared of him now but I haven't went to school or texted him or barely left my room. But the truth is.......I kinda miss him.

Flashback last week Tuesday:
"I think you should leave" I said backing away from him when he got this look of complete heart break and it almost broke my heart. "Baby please come here" Nolson said getting off the bed walking towards me, I was already against the wall. "Nolson, p-please just l-leave" I said as I started crying in front of him "baby please don't cry, just let me hold you". "If y-you don't leave r-right n-now I-I'll scream" I said turning away from him "o-ok" he said back completely hurt as I heard him get off my bed and walk towards the door "I-I'm sorry" he said before closing the door. I heard loud fast footsteps going down the stairs and a door slam shut, I'm guessing he left. "Why I'm I crying it's not like I loved him and he just told me this heart breaking truth, we just met" I said to myself "I knew he wasn't going to be the one or anything" "if it was anything else maybe I wouldn't have made him leave but I can't go through that again, drugs make people angry, mad, confused, and make them do things they would never do. I know that from experience and I can't go through it again.

End of flashback.

Gage: it was Wednesday and I decided to get up and go to school my parents have been worried about me all week and I don't want to worry them. I got out of bed heading to my bathroom, I got to the sink turning the handle and grabbing my toothbrush. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face I heading back to room and to my closet, I wasn't really feeling the best so I didn't feel like dressing like it. I grabbed a pair of plaid sweat pants and a black tank top with white slip on vans, I was dreading school, to say the least. I'm praying I don't run into him which I don't know how I'm going to do that during last period. After I was done with my hair and makeup I grabbed my phone and book bag and headed down the stairs to the kitchen, for some reason I wasn't really hungry so I decided to skip breakfast today. I'm dumb

I'm stupid

Usually Nolson picks me up and it's to late to catch the bus, shit. In the middle of me freaking out I heard my doorbell ring making me look up I got up to look through the window by the door. It was Nolson, wtf. I hesitated at first but slowly opened the door "h-hi" hi shyly said not looking at me, I hate to say it but he looked terrible, he had bags under his eyes, a busted lip, and bloodshot eyes. For some reason I hated to see him like this and I wanted to hold him "hi" I said back stepping outside, he looked up for a second before looking back down  "I-I sorry for c-coming here a-and p-please don't call the police" he said finally looking at me "ok" I said waiting for him to continue. "Please forgive me for lying to you, I want you to trust me and please not hate me, I'm not good with admitting to people I'm wrong but I'm wrong. Just please talk to me, I need you right now angel" he said with hopefully eyes and I swear I saw a tear about to fall before he turned away from me. "I've never felt like this before, it's confusing and scary how crazy my feeling are right now so please just try to work with me" he said sadly shoving his hands in his pockets. I didn't know he felt like this, No one had ever said something like that to me before, or even tried to get me to stay with them. I didn't even try to talk to Nolson I just kicked him out and ignored his feelings "no I'm sorry baby, I should have been more sensitive to your feelings and should have just thought about how you might have felt and I shouldn't have ignored you like that. My dad used it drugs and he started to hit my mom but he got held and no he's back to his old self but I just reacted like because I don't think I can be around someone like that again" I said surprisingly clearly despite the fact all my childhood trauma memorize just came back. Nolson turned around grabbing my hands in his much bigger ones "baby don't say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about this is my fault, you don't deserve to go though that again and I would never put you through that again" he said kissing the back of my hand. "I really like you and I want us to work" I said smiling up as he stared into my eyes "that's I'll I want to" he said smiling can before leaning in and kissing me, this kiss for so loving and well over do.

Me and Gage ended up skipping school and hanging out at his house since it's his parents date night and his brother is at a party. We were sitting on the couch watching tv maybe a little kissing when gage suddenly spoke up "are you going to try to quit for me" he said and he drew random shapes on my hand as we were cuddling on the couch "uhhhhh yea" I said never trying to talk about it right now "baby" he said with a brow raised. "Ok baby look, when I get off drugs I get violent and the last thing I want is to be around you when I'm like that" I said honestly but he still wasn't satisfied "but Nolson I can just sit and think about what your doing to your body and how one to much can just kill you like that" Gage said with sad eyes and it broke me "you right love your right, I want to be with you and I have to change some things about me to love you better" I said smiling as I kissed his cheek softly. After pulling away with the happiest look on his face he turned back to the tv watching whatever was on that I didn't really care about "how am I going to stop doing drugs" I thought to my self as I stroked Gage's hair.

3..2..1..Favorite part of story so far >>>

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